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작은 교회를 위한 성서적 접근

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
32페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 7,800원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국선교신학회 수록지정보 : 선교신학 / 18권
저자명 : 이후천

영어 초록

Now, it presumes that dependent church, which is economically poor and numerically small, among Korean churches is 60-70 percent. Such dependent churches are on the increase. The first reason is that birthrate in Korea will be fallen and the number of young people will be fallen in Korean church. The second reason is related to the change of dwelling style. In Korea, high-rise apartmentsincrease in number now. The difference between churches, which are located in the religious site, and churches, which are not located in the religious site will be deepened. The third reason is that the faithfully mature members in small church will move into the big church. It is more serious that the small churches will disappear finally. In this situation, the study on the growth of church is focusing on the system of the bigger church. Even though most of Korean churches are small church, leaders of Korean church concentrated on the bigger church. As a result, the study on ministry and philosophy for small church is overlooked. In this respect, the successful model and developmental possibility of small church should be suggested for survival through the consistent self-change of small church. Therefore, this article will focus on directions for small church. Small churches should be aware of their biblical self-identity. Therefore, I will articulate the notion of the remnantin the Hebrew Bible. And I will find out the biblical basis for small church through the parable of mustard seed in New Testament. Finally I will try to suggest that the Bible provides us the balanced perspective which emphasizes the church as the community of faithful people of God not as small or big church.

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