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국제기술도입계약의 규제정책과 분쟁예방

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 서울대학교 기술과법센터 수록지정보 : LAW & TECHNOLOGY / 2권 / 5호
저자명 : 정영철


I. 정부의 규제
II. 분쟁사례
III. 지적재산권효력/분쟁에 대한 계약상 합의

한국어 초록

본 국제회의는 Patent Litigation: U.S. and Korean Perspective에 대한 것으로서 국제적 특허권침해분쟁이 발생하였을 경우 이를 어떻게 대처하며 이를 해결하기 위한 절차로서의 법원에서의 소송이나 미국의 ITC절차에 대한 논의가 주를 이루나 본인은 이러한 논의에 대한 간단한 배경설명으로 국제기술도입계약은 일반적으로 한국에서 어떻게 규제되었으며 어떠한 분쟁들이 발생하였는지 간단히 살펴서 계약의 협상단계에서 분쟁의 발생가능성을 줄일 수 있을지 살피고자 한다.

영어 초록

In the 1970’s, the Korean government pursued the regulation policy of approving technology licensing agreements under strict conditions in order to regulate unfair licensing to Korean licensees. As the intellectual property system of Korea has gradually developed, with the accompanying improvement in the domestic technological capacity, administrative regulation on licensing agreement provisions has moved toward judicial control in cases of competition restriction arising from abuse of intellectual property rights. While there have been numerous disputes over limitations on export territory , minimum licensing fees , and scope of shifting and incidence of taxation in relation to technology licensing agreements, such disputes can be prevented by establishing the extent of obligations to be imposed on the parties to an agreement. A customary licensing agreement stipulates a procedure whereby the licensor represents and warrants the validity of the licensing technology to the licensee whereas the licensee immediately notifies the licensor of any dispute over the validity of the licensed technology and confers with the licensor to resolve the dispute. However, reliance on agreement between a licensor and a licensee is now not sufficient. As the Korean economy has achieved globalization, third parties other than licensors have begun to file intellectual property infringement actions both in Korea and abroad in connection with global operations of Korean businesses. Conversely, Korean businesses are also filing intellectual property infringement suits against foreign infringers. Whether and how such intellectual property disputes will be resolved remains a crucial issue with respect to the continuing globalization of the Korean economy. Accordingly, corporate counsels, influential legal practitioners in both public and private sectors, and foreign professionals should all collaborate in establishing a system for prevention and resolution of disputes in the intellectual property arena, not of disputes for the sole purpose of interfering with other businesses in bad faith.

참고 자료



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