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의료선교사역 고찰: 동티모르를 중심으로

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최종 저작일
23페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 6,000원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국선교신학회 수록지정보 : 선교신학 / 18권
저자명 : 조은식

영어 초록

The Korean Church has been doing various mission works in many areas. However, it seems that there is neither profound study nor systematic materials for professional mission. This study is an attempt to a basic study for medical mission in East Timor. This project-style study is a practical one through not only literature analysis but also field research. East Timor is a newly born country. The government of East Timor has made education, health and agriculture as the most priority works in the National Development Plan. These three areas are surely urgent and important for the national development. At present, medical facilities are falling behind and national health indicator is very low in East Timor. Both fertility rate and infant mortality is high. Not only infant mortality but maternal mortality rate is also high. Moreover, the people of East Timor are not free from various diseases. However, a regular prevention of epidemics can reduce attack rate of disease. Medical mission should begin with grasping of the urgent need and importance in the field. It is not only provide medicine and cure a disease, but also takes a disease prevention program and health education. Prevention is better than cure. It plays a role to protect people from a disease beforehand. In order to prepare for medical mission, it is necessary to make stages, set goals, examine processes of operation goals, analyze results and evaluate them. Among the six stages, the first stage is to organize a short-term mission team. It is consisted of 5 to 10 people and the members stay at least two weeks to a month. The team visits a fixed place once or twice a year. This is because the members of the team may have a close relationship with the natives and get the information of their health. This may help grasp their health condition and provide appropriate health care. The second stage is to send one or two medical volunteers to a local clinic or hospital as long-term medical missionaries. The third stage is preparation period for founding a local clinic. In order to found a clinic, carefully examine the necessity of founding a medical institution and a suitable location where is no medical benefit. The fourth stage is a period of founding a local clinic. One nurse and one midwife serve the clinic. The fifth stage is a stable period of operating the clinic. In this period, the clinic provides medical service of good quality and preventive education. The sixth stage is a self-supporting stage of operating the clinic. It is time to change its members as the natives by stages, and transfer its operation to them. Medical mission is a future-oriented work in the respect of the promoting national health. It carries out on the level of Christian mission, so that may share God’s love with the people in East Timor. The society will be healthy through forming a healthy person in both body and mind, and living in harmony with God, neighbor and nature make.

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