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존 웨슬리의 부흥운동에 나타난 교회갱신의 패턴

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33페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국선교신학회 수록지정보 : 선교신학 / 19권
저자명 : 최형근

영어 초록

The purpose of this article is to suggest John Wesley’s attempt to church renewal in the 18th century England through exploring his ecclesiology. This article deals with patterns of church renewal as it uses Wesley’s ecclesiology and Howard Snyder’s mediated model of church renewal, and attempts to rediscover of the essence of the church, and finds out clues of renewal and transformation of the Korean church along with the lessons given to the Korean church today. John Wesley constructed a very creative ecclesiology which was integrated various insights given by innovative renewal movements in the early church and the church history along with the understanding of the traditional church. Therefore John Wesley's understanding of the church can be understood through his renewal movement. Also his ecclesiology emphasizes the community for renewal of the church. In fact, Wesley's original intention was to form a organic community, that is, “ecclesiola in ecclesia.” In order to achieve his church renewal ministry Wesley suggested a integrated(holistic) renewal model that would keep the balance between institution and movement. Some characteristics of a renewed church is a living organism not just a institution or organization. The renewed church is charismatic community. Church renewal movement can not be separable with the kingdom of God. In this sense, Howard A. Snyder suggests five dimensions of John Wesley’s church renewal movement. First, it is individual renewal as it takes place in believer's personal repentance and conversion. It is spiritual renewal. But it is not just spiritual but communal. Unless there is no true community, individual renewal cannot be taken place. Second, communal renewal means a shared faith in a community as it happened when the church experiences God's transforming work. Third, conceptual renewal(or theological renewal) means a paradigm shift in theology. In this aspect, every great renewal movements are closely related to conceptual renewal. Fourth, structural renewal is to change forms and structures of which the church uses. Thus, the church must be changed in cultural contexts. Institutionalized and rigid structures of the church can often hinder the work of the Holy Spirit. Even though structural change is not the starting point of renewal, it can keep the renewal movement continue. Fifth, missional renewal of the church is about passion of proclaiming the gospel as the essential call of the church. Missional renewal can be accomplished when the church rediscover the essence of mission. This is not for the church itself but for the kingdom of God. The church that is internally renewed must have missional renewal. In this sense, the Korean church can learn from John Wesley’s renewal movement which attempted to renew the church by forming the authentic community connected with the kingdom of God.

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