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2010년 케이프타운 로잔3차대회의 의미와 과제

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
31페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 7,700원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국선교신학회 수록지정보 : 선교신학 / 26권
저자명 : 김은수

영어 초록

This paper aims at studying the meaning and tasks of the third Lausanne congress on world evangelization in Cape Town, 2010. The Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization was held in Cape Town International Convention Center with WEA from October 16 to 25, and it was entitled officially as “Cape Town 2010, The Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization.” 4200 delegation out of 197 countries around the world participated in the congress which was held after the first Lausanne Conference in 1974 and the second Manila conference in 1989, and its scale had been the biggest since 1974. One third among its participants was women, and this indicates the characteristics of ecumenical movement in evangelism mission because the location where it was held was Africa. The qualification of participants in this congress is extremely personal, not the representative of churches. This shows that it is much more opened convention than CWME, another ecumenical conference, in which the only representatives of membership churches can participate, and it is more ecumenical convention. The theme of Ⅲ Lausanne Congress is ‘God in Christ, Reconciling the World to Himself’(2 Corinthians 5:19), and the congress deeply discussed how to testify Jesus Christ’s teachings in our society. During the congress discussed 4 topics everyday, and also it tried to present various issues in the church to world churches and interpretate them from a point of view in evangelism. Last day of the congress, the Cape Town Commitment were distributed. Doug Birdsall as a chairman said that it consisted of theological affirmation and missiological priorities. The former, which is theological basis based on Ⅰ and Ⅱ Lausanne Conference, means language’s supplement under the missionary situation in the 21st century, and the latter is to set the order of priority as an action plan. In other words, it is to decide what it should do in 10 or 15 years. The commitment has preamble and consists of 10 chapters. The preamble says that this has two meanings making sure of the devotion for vision and goals to Lausanne movement. First, it says that Ⅰ Lausanne Conference was for the tasks of world evangelization and its important result was Lausanne Covenant, and Ⅱ Lausanne Conference, Manila conference in 1989, which made strategic partnership over 300 for world evangelization suggested continuous devotion on the tasks. Second, it confesses that mentioning the devotion for Lausanne Covenant(1974) and the Manila Manifesto(1989) which was the key documents of Lausanne movement, we were not devoted to them. As Cape Town commitment consists of the language of love, every topic from chapter 1 to 10 contains the word, ‘love’. The word as reliance, obedience and passion to Lord expresses Lausanne commitment which churches preach the gospel to world as love to the gospel. It means love to the gospel as good news, love to every church as God's people, and our love to all the world.

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2010년 케이프타운 로잔3차대회의 의미와 과제
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