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존 웨슬리의 전도 이해

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최종 저작일
26페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 6,400원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국선교신학회 수록지정보 : 선교신학 / 29권
저자명 : 권오훈

영어 초록

John Wesley(1703-1791), an excellent evangelist and leader of renewal movement of the 18th century in both sides of the Atlantic, regarded evangelism as his life-long mission. To use Wesley’s terminology, evangelism is the dispensation of the gospel. Chapter 2 treats Howard A. Snyder’s missional flavor of John Wesley. According to Snyder, the following five significant biblical themes are full of missional flavor: image of God(imago Dei), prevenient(or preceding) grace, salvation as healing, the “perfecting” of Christian character, and the restoration of all things. Chapter 3 handles Wesley’s evangelism revealed in his sermons. Evangelism is not just a special task of designated gifted ones, but a general task of all believers. An evangelist should be a (wo)man of love. Wesley suggests a four-step evangelism method based on the means of grace. The first two steps are providing the opportunities of listening/conversation and reading the Bible and good books. The last two steps are having exaltation in small groups and praying together. The social religion, Wesley’s renowned terminology, contains a good lesson for Christians. This can be applied not only for evangelistic purposes, but for building Christian virtue as well. As stated by Wesley, the focus of the parable of salt and light is evangelism in the world. The author concludes this article by emphasizing an occasion which reveals Wesley’s ceaseless zeal for evangelism. Despite heavy rainfall early in the morning and difficulties in borrowing a horse, Wesley was determined to carry out his scheduled rural area evangelism. Nothing stopped Wesley’s passion to spread the glad tidings of salvation.

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