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Confirmation of Male Specific Fetal Free RNA in Maternal Plasma and Comparison of Accuracy on the Sex Determination using Real-time PCR Method in Korean Native Cattle

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발행기관 : 한국수정란이식학회 수록지정보 : Journal of Embryo Transfer / 28권 / 4호
저자명 : Sang-Ho Lee, Chul-Ho Park, Jun-Tae Park, Sang-Guk Park, Jin-A Lee, Guk-Hyun Suh, Ki-Seok Oh, Chang-Ho Son

영어 초록

Cell-free fetal RNA has been highlighted as useful tools for the fetal sex determination or other genetic inherent disorder. However, there is no knowledge about the sex determination using cell free fetal RNA in bovine field. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the presence of transcripts of DDX3Y, USP9Y and ZRSR2Y genes in maternal plasma of pregnant cows to determine the sex of the fetus using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction assay, and verify its accuracy, sensitivity and specificity compared with the molecular testing and the calf sex at birth. Transcripts of USP9Y and DDX3Y genes were expressed in the all plasma of males and females both the control group and the experimental group. However, ZRSR2Y gene was matched up with the molecular testing and the true sex in control group and has an overall accuracy of 82.6%, a sensitivity of 75%, and a specificity of 100% in experimental group. Therefore, these results indicated that real time PCR technique, as a noninvasive and cost-efficient method, is possible to determination fetal sex in the bovine species using circulating cell free RNA in maternal plasma and especially ZRSR2Y gene could be a good candidate for the RNA based sex determination work.

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Confirmation of Male Specific Fetal Free RNA in Maternal Plasma and Comparison of Accuracy on the Sex Determination using Real-time PCR Method in Korean Native Cattle
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