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재배방법이 다른 미나리의 성분 특성

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국식생활문화학회 수록지정보 : 韓國食生活文化學會誌 / 16권 / 3호
저자명 : 이홍렬, 유맹자, 정희종

영어 초록

Chemical properties of the different parts of watercress(Oenanthe javanica D.C.) grown and harvested from the culture fields under different cultivating methods were studied. In proximate analyses of watercress in parts, moisture contained more in stem than in root or in leaf, but crude protein and crude lipid contents were lower in stem than in root or in leaf. Crude ash in root contained up to about double amount in leaf or stem. Major mineral elements detected in watercress were Fe, Mg, Ca, and K, and their contents in root was higher than those in stem or leaf. Especially, Fe in root was significantly higher than that in stem or in leaf. Total free sugar composed mainly with fructose and glucose, was the highest in watercress from Hwasoon and followed the watercress from Jeonju and Donggok in order. Free sugar content was highest in leaf and the lowest in root. Major water-soluble vitamins were vitamin C, thiamin and biotin and the content of vitamin C was higher than others. These vitamins contained more in leaf than in stem or root. Niacin contained 6.09 mg/100 g in leaf of watercress from Hwasoon, which was much higher than others, but it was not detected in stem of watercress from Jeonju. Organic acids detected were oxalic acid, citric acid and malic acid and other 12 organic acids were not detected. In fatty acid composition, there were significant differences among watercresses from different parts and different culture fields. Linoleic acid, linolenic acid and palmitic acid were major fatty acids contained in watercress and it took about 80% of the total content. Amino acid content in leaf was higher than that in root and in stem. Glutamic acid and proline were major amino acids in stem of watercress from Jeonju and in stem of watercresses from Hwasoon and Donggok, respectively. In leaves of all three watercresses glutamic acid content was the highest.

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