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初等學校 漢字敎育 評價方法의 摸索

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발행기관 : 한국한자한문교육학회 수록지정보 : 漢字漢文敎育 / 9권
저자명 : 韓殷洙

영어 초록

The Chinese characters education for the elementary school students in Korea had been officially forbidden in its exercise because of the Exclusive KOREAN Usage Policy until the few cities and provinces had begun to activate the school discretion time(學校 아량 時間) during The 6th Curriculum period. However, such program had also been neglected for the English texts due to the worldwide expansion progressive movement of the civilian government: so, THE 7th Curriculum had also been unable to establish a legal foundation executing the Chinese characters education. Some says that we can initiate the Chinese characters education through the free time activity(雅量 活動). However, Ministry of EDUCATION & Human Resources Development is currently advising a creative method of educational operation rather than performing the elementary school students free time activity with textbook formats. An abstract about the Chinese characters education must be discussed based upon the Chinese characters curriculum in the elementary school education. However, the nationalized curriculum has not yet been created and it is difficult to find its reference. Only, we can look over the Chinese characters education of elementary school students through the Chinese Characters Curriculum in Elementary Schools standardized by Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education: the content is as follows, Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education explains the Chinese characters education evaluation in elementary schools divided in large areas of evaluation index, evaluation method, and activities of the evaluation outcomes. First, the evaluation index is located as limited fields of Chinese characters(漢字), language(漢字語), and words/phrases(漢字語句) for the elementary school students while the evaluation direction is described to avoid flowing in to grammar or knowledge evaluation. Second, the evaluation method is to be balanced in each areas lesson contexts Chinese characters, language, and words/phrases: but, the Chinese characters evaluation must include suggesting in relation to the format(形), sound(音), and meaning(義) while the language evaluation must show the daily linguistic skills, and the words/phrases focused upon understanding the meaning and its comprehension. Third, the Chinese characters education evaluation of elementary schools should not only be used in achieving the students advancement in their academic performance but also the instruction/teaching methods for the Chinese education. The 7th Curriculum is the student-oriented Curriculum based upon independence and creativity. Therefore, the evaluation method must have a thorough, alternative plan suited for such spirit. This is not the end result-centered evaluation but rather it should shift its gear towards the learning-centered evaluation. For such occurrence, the teachers instructional and teaching method needs to be progressed according to the students-oriented activity education rather than of the one that is teacher-oriented. Moreover, a profound improvement planning is requested for the education department for the elementary school Chinese education as with The 7th Curriculum being activated. In order to successfully pursue the students-oriented education that the Curriculum program appoints to, the free time activity operation needs to be expanded of its liberality. Additionally, the nationalized level of Chinese characters education process in elementary school that coincides with The 7th Curriculum program must be prepared as well.

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