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院堂 金正喜의 敎育觀 硏究

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
35페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 8,300원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국한자한문교육학회 수록지정보 : 漢字漢文敎育 / 9권
저자명 : 元容錫

영어 초록

The main purpose of this study is to define the educational philosophy of Wandang, Kim Jung Hee through his writings and arts. Wandang has been receiving much recognition as a metaphysicist, practical-scientist, writer and artist. But most of the studies on him have placed too much stress on a specific field of his work to prove his real worth on the whole. Moreover not a single research work on his educational philosophy has been found yet. If it is true that a man’s life and his ideology is the same, Wandang’s ideology could be learned through studying his life. It could be also said that his writings and works of art display his thoughts. In Chapter II, Wandang’s educational philosophy is more carefully examined. It is based on Wandang’s doctrine, ‘You can’t be a man of ability without education,’ which talks about the importance of education. And it is also based on his doctrine, ‘Education is to realize the morality of sages,’ which tells us about the purpose of education. His educational philosophy is examined through his writings about traditional Confucianism and practical-science, and his literature of poetry that he had wanted to show his feeling. It is also examined through his works of art and the theories of the art works. At this point, the ultimate purpose of education is to realize the morality of sages. To accomplish it. first of all it is needed to succeed in the literature of poetry based on the spirit of practical-science which is ‘You need to seek truth based on facts’ and also to be followed by studying constantly. It shows again that all studies and arts need to have some aroma, which comes from beautiful phrases and magical power to lead a person. Finally this study shows the thought of Wandang that good teachers and fine educational environment is necessary to bring up a man of ability. The outcome of this study is to define Wandang, Kim Jung Hee as an educator that has not been studied yet. His educational philosophy should be discussed later on. Since this is the first study of it, there might be a lot of unsatisfied things in many respects. I will make up for those unfinished ones in the further studies afterwards. The aspects of the education of Chosun are different from those of the modern education. But it should give us a chance to examine the education of the present through the education of the past. that is the usefulness of this study, and these kinds of studies should be in progress with other figures. It would help the traditional education contribute to the present education, which could become the basis of our future education.

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院堂 金正喜의 敎育觀 硏究
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