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학생탁구선수 경험자의 사회적응과정에 관한 사례연구

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최종 저작일
27페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 6,600원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교원대학교 학교체육연구소 수록지정보 : 학교체육연구소지 / 20권 / 2호
저자명 : 송지호, 조순묵

영어 초록

The purpose of this study is providing the educational plan for educational understanding and
improvement to the students experienced and stopped elite sports until senior year of high school. For this purpose, the understanding of days of introductory courses and athletic experience, exercise in the circumstances to stop the process of setting up the course and after the break to hold on to experienced career barriers is needed. The purposeful sampling, one of the non-probability sampling of nomadic sampling method was performed to achieve the research purpose. The data were collected by way of in-depth interviews from two table tennis experienced student-athletes. Data analysis process to enhance the authenticity of the data from members of the review, expert consultation, the triangular method validation was performed. The first study, participants in two student-athletes were too early draft as athletes. Also, the selection process is the lack of systemicity and dosen’t consider personal speciality and aptitude of the students. Although there are difficulties in athletic life, the experience of accomplishment by win a prize during elementary school helps entrance into a middle school as a sports talent. Study participants were constantly perpetrated violence and hostel life because of the stigma caused by the interruption of the situation of potential movement was to continue his career. Process of social adaptation was categorized as confusion, goal setting, adaptive period and the embodiment process of established target. They feel confused by lack of information for entrance into a higher grade school. But they set a possible target and selected new course in the process of goal setting. Adaptaion process was classified as adaptation for learning, new interpersonal adaptation, and adaptation challenges for the unknown situation. The adaptation to school, there was a difficulty of continuing their studies basic academic skills are in short supply, but the effort went adaptation of schoolwork. There is no experience of student athletes, there is a positive effect, adaptation of new interpersonal relationships, helped in the formation of interpersonal relationships. Process of adaptation and challenge to the status of the unknown, but lack of experience, but it had a willingness to challenge you feel a lot of interest and curiosity to new experiences. Finally, at the stage of implementation of the targets set, attitude through the adaptation process to the society, and embodies the goal, and try to do the best with what we have seen. Third, were classified barriers difficulty of goal setting due to more absence factors of course barriers to movement stop student athletes recognized, wall of learning member, barriers experience the various components. This due to a shortage of information, did not experience most of the learning for the life of the movement part course search that takes into account the special ability or aptitude of the person has been impossible act difficult in the course of academic adaptation of exercise after discontinuation were. Can not be the general experience that not only learning experience, will require experience of school days, and had done gained a new experience to exercise after interruption. It presented a discussion for since the movement stop of study participants, the movement stops through the social adjustment process, to understand the course barriers to student players, it is a scheme seek understanding and education.

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