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자기관찰을 제공한 점핑활동이 농아동의 평형성에 미치는 영향

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최종 저작일
12페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 4,300원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교원대학교 학교체육연구소 수록지정보 : 학교체육연구소지 / 20권 / 2호
저자명 : 권혁순, 정구인

영어 초록

The purpose of this research was to verify the effect of jumping activity on balance of deaf
children after providing self-observation. As a process, we chose 20 deaf children and divided them by screening into two different groups self-observation group(10) and non self-observation group(10). We let them do jumping activity for 16 times after self-observation and checked the difference in the counterbalance as a group and as an individual. The self-observation group observed themselves before the test by watching five-minute long videotape of their proper and improper behaviors. After this, the self-observation group did warming-up exercises with non self-observation group and moved into their stages to do jumping activities for three to four times. Jumping activities consisted of six stations and were performed in outdoor stages. The static balance test(standing on one leg with eyes closed) and dynamic balance test(backward walking) were carried out three times before and after the inspection respectively and recorded in velocity of second unit(1/100). Top to the second record was used to get the average score and standard deviation. The improvement of balance rate was calculated by subtracting the average of ante-mortem inspection from that of post-mortem inspection. The independent variable was the jumping activity with self-observation, and the dependent variable was the test result of standing on one leg and its backward walking. We shoot a video of self-observation group activities on each station. The data of this research was handled by sub-program of SPSS. The improvement and difference of each group and individual balance were analyzed by t-inspection. The conclusions were as following; First, from the improvement test as a group, we found out that both of the self-observation and non self-observation group showed similar differences statistically in the static balance test. Speaking of the balance test, the self-observation group showed some differences while non self-observation group did not show. Second, from the improvement test of each individual in the group, there were some differences in improvement statistically between the groups. After putting everything together, we understood that self-observation group had some improvement statistically in jumping activity with self-observation comparing with non-observation group in respective static and dynamic balance tests. This outcome can be interpreted that jumping activity with self-observation had a good influence on deaf children balancing ability of more than 70dB. It is expected that deaf children can develop their balancing ability by performing their jumping activity with self-observation.

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자기관찰을 제공한 점핑활동이 농아동의 평형성에 미치는 영향
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AI 챗봇
2024년 07월 19일 금요일
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