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독일어 교육에서의 평가

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
22페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 5,800원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 서울대학교 외국어교육연구소 수록지정보 : 외국어교육연구 / 7권
저자명 : 이광숙


1. 평가의 개념
2. 평가의 가능
3. 평가의 기본 원칙
 1) 객관성
 2) 신뢰성
 3) 타당성
4. 테스트의 종류
 1) 배치/등급 테스트 (Ein- und Weiterstufungstest)
 2) 적성 테스트/입학 시험 (Eignungstest/Zulassungsprüfung)
 3) 성취 진단/진도 테스트 (Lernfortschrittstest)
 4) 종결/졸업 시험 (Abschlussprüfung)
 5) 숙달 확인 시험 (Feststellungsprüfung)
 6) 자기 평가 (Selbstevaluation)
4. 1. 독일 대학 입학용 어학 시험 (DSH)
 1) 듣기 텍스트의 이해와 정리
 2) 읽기 텍스트의 이해와 정리
 3) 학문어 구조의 이해와 정리
 4) 텍스트 생산
5. 과제의 유형
 1) 개방형 과제
 2) 반 개방형 과제
 3) 폐쇄형 과제
6. 테스트 다프 (Test DaF/ Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache)
 1) 읽기
 2) 듣기
 3) 필기 시험
 4) 구두 시험
7. 결론

영어 초록

In Germany, there is a lack of tests such as TOEFL and TOEIC. Many think that the individuality of students is ignored in such standardized tests. Multiple choice tests are criticized in Germany for the same reason. And Germans also think the evaluation form based on behaviorism is overused. Each province in Germany has its own system to control the Abitur of Gymnasium which is necessaη to gain the admission to universities. Students take examinations in each subject for the Abitur in the final year of high schools. The examinations are composed of diverse forms including subjective questions and sometimes multiple choice questions which are used only if necessary. Zertifikat Deutsch was developed in the 1960s and Test DaF has been used since 2001. Tests must be based on the principles of objectivity, reliability, and validity. Evaluations should follow the goal and the curriculum of education. Subjective, objective, and semi-subjective questions should be mixed. Tests themselves should not be the object of teaching, but just tools to improve students' abilities. Tests should raise students' motivation, let them consider their own ability, and help them to choose their ways of leaming. This paper suggests further that evaluation forms of German education in Korea should be systematized. A German level test that examines grammar, vocabulary, and the four functions of language should be developed. It must be closely related to the goal, quality, and levels of German education both in high schools and universities. The level test would be possible through the cooperation of organizations, Education Ministry, public institutions such as German societies and Goethe Institut. Databases of grammar, vocabulary, and the four functions of language could be built for each level of the test. This database should be helpful in teaching German and editing German textbooks as well. The test could also be acknowledged as an official German proficiency test and used for the entrance to undergraduate, graduate schools, jobs etc. The quality of German education will be improved through this consolidation.

참고 자료



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