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잃어버린 시절에 대한 향수 : 새뮤얼 파머와“고대인파(The Ancients)”

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 미술사문화비평학회 수록지정보 : 미술사문화비평 / 1권
저자명 : 양혜숙


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 비전(vision)의 화가, 새뮤얼 파머
1. 생애와 시대적 배경
2. 작품세계
Ⅲ. 예술가 공동체로서의“고대인(The Ancients)파”
1. 성립배경
2. 전개과정
Ⅳ. 과거의 재발견 : 영국 신낭만주의에 끼친 영향
Ⅴ. 맺음말

영어 초록

Born in London, Samuel Palmer (1805~1881) was the son of a bookseller. Aprecocious artist, he exhibited his work at the Royal Academy of Arts at the age offourteen, and executed a series of canonical “visionary”paintings before reachingthirty.In 1825, Palmer organized “the Ancients”, as they called themselves, a group ofadmirers of William Blake(1757~1827) that included Edward Calvert(1799~1883)and George Richmond(1809~1896), with whom Palmer painted the Englishcountryside in the Kent village of Shoreham, a small town thirty miles from London.It was during this prolific period in Palmer’s early career that Blake’s bucolicvision, as exemplified in his illustrations for Dr. Robert John Thornton’s Pastoralsof Virgil(1821) and his own Book of Job, deeply affected the young Palmer.Although the Ancients had several predecessors on the Continent, it was the firstartistic community established in nineteenth century England. Palmer’s Shorehamperiod saw his greatest achievements as an artist.Palmer was largely overlooked for forty years after his death, until the 1920s,when the British art world paid new attention to Palmer and the Ancients. Just as theRomantics had turned their attention to Gothic and Medieval art, the Neo-romanticsfound an interest in the Ancients. Blake and Palmer had created an English Arcadiathat inspired the artists of the early twentieth century who sought escape from thedevastation of the Great War.With their communal spirit and revival of medieval art, the Ancients anticipatedthe Pre-Raphaelites of the Victorian era. They deserve a place in British art historyas their influence may be seen in Neo-romanticism and even in contemporary art.

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