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1930년대 상해의 모던[摩登] 여성 이미지 — 시각화된 복제미술을 중심으로

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
17페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 5,100원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국미술이론학회 수록지정보 : 미술이론과 현장 / 4권
저자명 : 문정희


Ⅰ. 前語
Ⅱ. 새로운 기법과 기술의 복제미술
Ⅲ. 상해 신흥 여성 문화로서‘모던’풍조
Ⅳ. 모던시대의 유행과 회화
Ⅴ. 結語

영어 초록

The term ‘modern’, in broader sense, refers to the concepts like modernity,modernization, modernism and the like, which came from Westernization impling therecognition of indigenous culture as being inferior to Western culture by comparison alongwith the expanded influences of the Empire of Japan. These concepts, however, ratherthan evolving from Western standards, came into being as a form of civilization led byJapan which had already tasted the fruits of modernization by 1920s. Since 1920s, the policy of, so-called, reconstructing Asian countries by Japan came tocreate eastern way of modernism, as a new East Asian trend mainly revealed in Chinawhich was against colonization after Japan’s invasion and conquest of Manchuria.Therefore, Eastern‘modern’unlike Western one could be understood in the widespreadterminology,‘Modern(摩登)’in Shanghai, reflecting consciousness like‘Fashion’or‘Trend’in female images on a variety of visual media. By 1930s it was the most notablethat‘modern’was accepted as something similar with‘Fashion’, or‘Trend’in socio-cultural contexts. These atmosphere had led commercial arts to enable to communicatewith the public in a great deal of supports and success in Shanghai which was widelyregarded as the citadel for the inflow of Western culture, among which transformations infemale images were remarkable as a representative form of culture. It is also remarkablethat‘historical modernity’transforming from the feudal age to modern society wasconsidered a synchronic modernity, and nationalism was regarded as a sort of beingmodern, while involved in the newly-changed female images as a fashion mode. Changes in fashion including hair style in Shanghai by 1930s, as a way ofexpressions showing what was modern through commercial artistic productions, wereeasily noticed in visual media as an outlet of modern women’s inner desire revealing theirpursuit for new mode of life in metropolitan cities. As a characteristic of the time creating anew code of visual female images, it is notable that there existed another form of‘modern’satisfying socio-cultural needs of the general public seeking for being‘modern’.

참고 자료



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1930년대 상해의 모던[摩登] 여성 이미지 — 시각화된 복제미술을 중심으로
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