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「내외진연등록(內外進宴謄錄)」을 통해 본 궁중연회음식의 분석적 고찰 - 1902년 중화전 외진연(外進宴) 대전과 황태자의 상차림을 중심으로 -

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국식생활문화학회 수록지정보 : 韓國食生活文化學會誌 / 27권 / 2호
저자명 : 이소영, 한복려

영어 초록

This study focused on the historic documents known as deungnok, records created during preparations for royal events in the Joseon Dynasty, rather than the often cited uigwe, the documents describing the Royal Protocol of the Joseon Dynasty. As a reference to the food served at royal banquets, the deungnok can enhance our understanding of royal banquet foods. Seven specimens of deungnok describing royal banquet foods are currently in existence, created during preparations for royal events by the agencies in charge of food, the Saongwon and Jeonseonsa. Owing to the nature of their authorship, the details recorded in these deungnok hold great value as important resources for the study of royal banquet cuisine. Naeoejinyeon-deungnok, which documented an oejinyeon banquet held at the Junghwajeon Pavilion in November 1902, was somewhat disorganized and fragmented. Jinyeonuigwe was more inclusive and well-summarized, since the former were progress reports to the King during banquet preparations that listed various items separately, such as dishes for each table setting and the kinds of flower pieces, and thus did not present a complete picture of all the details as a whole. The latter, on the other hand, were final reports created upon completion of a banquet, and contained more comprehensive records not only of the chanpum (the menu of dishes served), but also the sorts of tableware and tables, floral arrangements, location, scale, and installation date of the sukseolso (temporary royal kitchens for banquets). They also offer a more effective summary by simplifying details duplicated in identical table settings. Nevertheless, the Naeoejinyeon-deungnok recorded some facts that cannot be gleaned from the Jinyeonuigwe, including the height of some dishes presented in piled stacks, as well as the specific names of dishes and their ingredients. The comparative study of the historic records in the deungnok and uigwe will be helpful in identifying and understanding the specific foods served at royal banquets. The oejinyeon-seolchando diagrams in Naeoejinyeon-deungnok depict the table settings for the King and the Crown Prince. The two diagrams contain large rectangles divided into three sections. In each section are similar-sized circles in which the names of dishes and the titles for table settings are recorded. From these records we can see that the arrangements of the table settings for the King and the Crown Prince are similar. The relationships and protocols shown in the arrangement of dishes and table settings for the King and the Crown Prince at royal banquets in the Seolchando appear to be consistent. By comparing the two references, deungnok and uigwe, which recorded the dishes served at royal banquets, the author was able to determine the height of some foods served in stacked arrangements, the names of chanpum, the ingredients used, and the configuration of the chanpum. The comparative review of these two written records, deungnok and uigwe, will be helpful for a proper understanding of the actual food served at royal banquets.

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「내외진연등록(內外進宴謄錄)」을 통해 본 궁중연회음식의 분석적 고찰 - 1902년 중화전 외진연(外進宴) 대전과 황태자의 상차림을 중심으로 -
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