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Diversity Capturing Comparison by Combinations among Clustering Methods, Allocation Strategies, and Sampling Strategies in Establishment Core-Sets of Mungbean (Vigna radiata) Germplasm Preserved in NA

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12페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국국제농업개발학회 수록지정보 : 한국국제농업개발학회지 / 24권 / 4호
저자명 : Jae-Gyun Gwag, Se-Jong Oh, Ho-Cheol Ko, Kyung-Ho Ma, Gyu-Taek Cho, Gi-An Lee, Sok-Young Lee, Young-Jin Park

한국어 초록

1. 세계 26개국에서 도입된 녹두 유전자원 705점에 대하여16개의 형태적 형질 특성을 이용하여 각각 두 가지의 군집방법, 핵심집단 자원수 결정방법 및 표본추출 방법을 조합하여 총8개의 핵심집단(SUNPR, SUNPPr, UNPR, UNPPr, SUNLR, SUNLPr, UNLR, UNLPr)을 작성하여 원수집단과 비교한바 8개핵심집단 모두 원수집단과는 분산과 평균치에서 차이가 없었다.
2. Nei의 다양성지수는 8개 핵심집단 모두 원수집단 보다높았고, 특히 UNLPr이 가장 높았으며, UNPR은 다른 핵심집단에 비하여 상대적으로 낮은 지수를 보였다.
3. 원수집단과 핵심집단간 자원분포의 동질성을 파악하기 위하여 카이자승 검증을 한 결과 12개 양적형질과 1개의 질적형질(종피색)은 모든 핵심집단이 동질분포를 보였으나 3개의질적 형질 (배축색, 종피광택, 생육습성)은 핵심집단에 따라서동질분포를 하는 것과 그렇지 않은 것이 있었으며, 8개 핵심집단 중 UNPPr은 동질성이 가장 높았다. 평균차율(MD%)과일치율(CR%)은 8개 핵심집단 모두 유의한 수준을 보였다.
4. 8개의 모든 핵심집단이 원수집단과 평균치에서 차이가 없고, 높은 다양성을 과 동질한 분포를 보이며, 평균차율(MD%)과 일치율(CR%)이 유의한 수준을 보여 원수집단의 다양성을잘 나타내는 것으로 해석되었다.
5. 핵심수집단 크기(10%와 15%)에 따른 다양성은 유의한차이가 없었으며, 8개의 핵심집단 중 평균치, 동질분포, 일치율 및 도복내성을 고려할 때 UNPPr이 가장 좋은 핵심집단으로 사료되었다.

영어 초록

A core collection is a subset chosen to represent the diversity of a collection with a minimum of redundancies and is established to improve the conservation and use of genetic resources. In this study, eight core subsets were established by combinations among two clustering methods (SUN, UN), two allocation strategies (P, L), and two sampling strategies (R, Pr) using morphological traits and were compared with entire collection by variance, means, Nei's diversity index, goodness of fit, the mean difference percentage (MD%), the variance difference percentage (VD%), coincidence rate (CR%), and the variable rate (VR%) of traits. The variances between entire and eight core subsets was homogeneous for all the traits of all core subsets by Levene's test both 10% and 15% sample sizes and the means between entire and 8 core subsets were found to be non-significant by Newman-Keuls test for all traits of all core subsets both 10% and 15% sample sizes. The average Nei's diversity index of the eight core subsets showed higher than the entire collection. UPGMA NTSYS Logarithmic Pragmatic (UNLPr) showed the highest average Nei's diversity index, and Logarithmic (L) allocation strategy showed higher average diversity index than Proportional (P) strategy in both 10% and 15% sample size. Frequency distribution between the entire collection and the eight core subsets using chi square test showed homogeneous distribution for 13 traits of 16 traits. The proportional allocation strategy showed relatively more homogeneous distribution than the logarithmic allocation strategy for the three qualitative traits; hypocotyl color (HC), luster on seed surface (LS), and growth habit (GH). All the core subsets had significant values of MD% and CR%. Although decrease of VD% and increase of CR% according to sample size increase from 10% to 15%, there was no significant difference between 10% and 15% sample size. Considering all parameters such as means, homogeneous distribution, VD%, CR%, average lodging tolerance, and bruchid resistance, UNPPr is the best among eight core subsets. Present result suggested that with regardless of clustering methods, if group size can be adjusted according to group diversity and utility, better core subset will be established so that original purposes of effective utilization and enhancement of the genetic diversity will be increased.

참고 자료



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Diversity Capturing Comparison by Combinations among Clustering Methods, Allocation Strategies, and Sampling Strategies in Establishment Core-Sets of Mungbean (Vigna radiata) Germplasm Preserved in NA
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