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Leveraging Virtual Learning Environment to Scale Up Quality Teaching and Learning in Malaysia

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17페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 5,100원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : APEC국제교육협력원 수록지정보 : Asia-Pacific Collaborative education Journal / 10권 / 1호
저자명 : Soon Seng Thah

영어 초록

Malaysia is currently implementing the use of the Frog Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) in all government schools in the country. This paper outlines the basis for introducing the VLE in leveraging teaching and learning in Malaysian schools. It discusses the state of current literature associated with the use of VLE. In addition, it articulates the need for programme evaluation as a means for decision-makers to plan and take necessary corrective action to better implement VLE among teachers and students in schools. To sustain the implementation of this endeavour, a monitoring and evaluation mechanism must be put in place. This would determine how the VLE is performing and ascertain key success factors with the use of the Frog VLE among teachers and students. For this purpose, a survey research was undertaken using a sample comprising 426 teachers and 223 students from primary and secondary schools throughout the country. Reliability computations show Cronbach alpha values greater than .90 for the various constructs in the scaled items of the teachers’ and students’ questionnaires. The key findings of the study show significantly different perceptions (p < .05) in the use of Frog VLE as a learning tool between primary pupils and secondary students with significantly higher perceptions from secondary students on all aspects ranging from ease of use of Frog VLE to using Frog VLE as a collaborative tool for interaction within and outside the classroom. Factor analysis via the Principal Component Analysis method shows 3 critical success factors cited by teachers in the use of Frog VLE. The first factor concerns the functionality of VLE as a pedagogical tool; the second is associated with the user-friendliness of the VLE; and the third concerns the VLE as a tool for collaboration. An analysis of ranks derived from the mean computations of the variables within the first factor shows the VLE provides a platform for teachers to share ideas and opinions being ranked first. This is followed by VLE being used by students to obtain learning materials, which is ranked second. Third, the VLE being used by teachers to source for new teaching materials. Other major findings include issues associated with slow and unstable internet connectivity where secondary schools fared worse compared to primary schools and that rural schools tended to have more problems in connectivity as compared to urban schools. This paper puts forth a proposition that educational technology needs continuous monitoring and evaluation and effective change management is imperative to attain success in its implementation.

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Leveraging Virtual Learning Environment to Scale Up Quality Teaching and Learning in Malaysia
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