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Recent outbreak of insect pests and climate change in Korea

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국응용곤충학회 수록지정보 : 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집
저자명 : Man-Young Choi, Sang-Guei Lee, Kwang-Ho Kim, Hong-Hyun Park, Jeong Jun Kim

영어 초록

Global warming is one of the most buzzing words these days, as the average temperature increased up to 6.4℃ before the end of 21st century and the water level to 59cm causing severe draught, heavy snowfall, and monster typhoon all over the world. The capacity of natural ecosystem will not be able to contain such changes. Many of the species will be endangered and some of them are warned to be extinct, and accordingly water and food supply will not meet the demand of human. In 2007, IPCC, Inter Governmental Panel on Climate Change, made fourth report about global warming and estimated that the CO2 content in the atmosphere increased about 1.35 times to 379ppm at 2005 from 280ppm before the industrialization period pulling the average air temperature up by 0.7℃ a year. The water level as well increased by 1.8mm a year as the polar iceberg and permanent snow melt down. Global warming caused by environmental pollution and greenhouse gas may lead to the increase of price of not only agricultural product but also the industrial products as a consequence, a phenomenon so called Ecoflation, Ecology+inflation. IPCC forecasted that if the present phase use of fossil energy continues the air temperature in 2090-2099 will increase by 4℃ and the water level by 26-59cm compared to that of 1980-1999, warning particularly that the average increase of global temperature by 1.5-2.5℃ a year will put the species of 20-30% into danger of extinction.
According to the report by the Korea National Statistical Office about the effect of climate change on the production of agriculture and fishery, the cultivation area of apple which is typical temperate fruit decreased to 29,204ha in 2007 from 52,447ha in 1992. On the other hand the cultivation area of peach increased greatly to 15,014ha(2005) compared to 12,000ha in 1996 as it became possible to grow wherever in Korea. Similar change can also be found for orange and grape, orange can be grown in Jeonnam and Kyuongnam province, and grape in Kangwon province. Jeju island and southern coastal area of Korea worry about the inhabitation of subtropical pests when they invade these area, in fact the pest outbreak as a result of the increase of generation a year is ever more frequent. The typical examples are Paratlanticus ussuriensis (Uvarov), the lantern fly, Lycorma delicatula, and the fruit moths like Carposina sasakii Walsingham.

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Recent outbreak of insect pests and climate change in Korea
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