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예이츠의『비전』과 윤회사상

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
20페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 5,500원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국예이츠학회 수록지정보 : The Yeats Journal of Korea / 33권
저자명 : 고준석


I. 들어가는 말
II. 사후의 순환적 존재방식
III. 시에 암시된 사후의 윤회적 삶
IV. 나오는 말

영어 초록

This paper discusses Yeats’s ideas on the transmigration of Souls in A Vision and his poems. Yeats creates the six levels of a human's reincarnation. He insists that Consciousness corresponds with one another in this life and the afterlife in A Vision. He thinks that Consciousness moves toward Will and goes in cycle in Faculties at the moment. However, Consciousness submerges Spirit in Principles and after Spirit unifies Celestial Body it becomes extinct. When Principles dominate the system in the afterlife, Spirit circulates in the system.
Faculties have an effect on from birth to death in human, but although submerging in Faculties at the period, Principles have a tremendous impact on getting a new physical body in the afterlife. If a human passes away his body, Consciousness transfers from Faculties to Principles, also from Will to Spirit. And then it arrives at The Vision of Blood Kindred and Meditation. The Vision of Blood Kindred is the illusions of every past experience in Husk and Fascinate Body, resulted in final body. And Meditation is to disappear Husk and Fascinate Body and to appear Spirit and Celestial Body. After that, the stream of soul continuously changes into Return, Dreaming Back, Phantasmagoria, Shiftings, Beatitude, Purification, Foreknowledge step by step. Yeats described them as a cyclical course of afterlife in “Byzantium” and “The Man and the Echo.”
In conclusion, a human is reborn in the afterlife through transferring from Principles to Faculties, also from Spirit to Will. The practical transition from Principles Gyre to Faculties Gyre takes place when Consciousness travels from Spirit to a new Husk. So a human passes away from this world and through the six courses of reincarnation in the afterlife. He is reborn in another world.

참고 자료



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