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탈국가주의 시대의 학문분야로서 ‘미국미술사’의 현 위치

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
16페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 4,900원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국미술연구소 수록지정보 : 美術史論壇 / 35권
저자명 : 신채기

영어 초록

This paper discusses the brief history of the academic discipline, American Art History, since it first emerged in the 1960s academia to the present. The paper focuses on how the central effort of the American art scholars lied on indentifying and discussing the ‘Americanness’ of American art. It proves in various ways how the core concept of identity and modernity have never been absent from writing on American art and discusses how such efforts did not necessarily end up in a seamless coherent narrative.
After discussing the history of the American Art History discipline in Chapter 2, and the issue of ‘Americanness’ in the scholarship of American art in Chapter 3, Chapter 4 deals with some crucial points where the different understandings of ‘Americanness’ collide in the history of American art. The cultural discourses behind the 19th century American landscape paintings and 20th century cityscape paintings, as well as the understanding and reception of Abstract Expressionism as a purely American heritage are discussed. The last part of Chapter 4 discusses the changing notion of identity itself which adds complexity to the understanding of the American identity as an essentialist, separatist term.
The paper concludes by discussing the current scholarship in the field, change of methodology, and interest. Questions concerning the interaction of cultural forms and artistic tradition within a multi-ethnic and muti-racial population are discussed as well as the new relevance United States as a focus of art historical inquiry. It also point out how the growth, stimulated by an expansiveness and liberality, paradoxically, blurred the boundaries of the field of American Art History. The paper ends with the discussion of American art in the global context. The constantly shifting boundaries of American art history within the hybrid society generates further socio-political interest energizing the field.

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탈국가주의 시대의 학문분야로서 ‘미국미술사’의 현 위치
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