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류하이쑤(劉海粟)와 1920년대 순수미술운동

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최종 저작일
22페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 5,800원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국미술연구소 수록지정보 : 美術史論壇 / 31권
저자명 : 이보연

영어 초록

In 1920s, Republic of China was in relative political equilibrium while multiple warlords, consulate powers in the concessions and revolutionary army in the south were competing with each other. This situation provided the civil revolutionary forces with certain room of activities to attempt a reform against the conservatism. The purism in 1920s was one form of the modernization campaigns which were prevailing in the education, literature and art fields at the time taking advantage of such social space. The Purism attempted to establish an independent art, science and activity system escaping from the interference of old political ideology and conservatism.
Liu Hai Su established the prototype modern art school in China by founding the Shanghai Drawing Academy based on the tradition of Shanghai Art Group. He overcame the commercial tradition of civil art group in 1920s by Pure Art Campaign and continued to build the system of modern art research and the activity system. Jiangsu Educational Institution gave a public post to Liu Hai Su so that his Pure Art Campaign could be propagated to the art circles in Jiangsu area. The “Tianmahui” with key members from Art Research Committee was one of the attempts to build the pure art circle against the existing commercial art circle.
It is a fact that the Pure Art Campaign led by Liu Hai Su had failed in producing the satisfactory harmony with existing civil art circles because of their self-complacent argument and authoritative attitude; however, Liu Hai Su and his group tried to encourage the reform in the society and realize the Liberalism through the independent spirit of Pure Art. The Pure Art Campaign in 1920s was an extraordinary attempt in the 20th century art history of China, which was under the heavy influence of Totalitarianism at the time. The Pure Art Campaign has more significance in the fact that it provided the second generation Liberalist in 1980s with historical base for them to depend on.

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류하이쑤(劉海粟)와 1920년대 순수미술운동
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