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일제강점 초기 식민지 문화의 재편, 신문소설 삽화 <長恨夢>

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최종 저작일
22페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 5,800원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국미술연구소 수록지정보 : 美術史論壇 / 31권
저자명 : 김지혜

영어 초록

Newspaper illustration in 1910s means the beginning of Korean modern art and it spread new types of image and style with strong influence at the time when fine art was not popular in Korea and it spread new types of image and style. Newspaper illustration as a new record, reproduction and rapid distribution medium was modern visual art that is responsive to new trends in the art world and introduces emerging art forms to the public in spite of inadequate formativeness.
As Korean newspapers introduced a serial story influenced by Japanese newspapers, illustration of Korean novels was also directly influenced by Japanese style. The artwork of serialized novel provided the readers with a new perspective on reading, that is, from ‘reading a story’ into ‘seeing a story’. It was serially published in a daily newspaper while diffusion of images and aroused public interest thanks to printed arts such as advertisement or trademarks. And it also affected circulation of the newspaper.
Jang Han Mong (長恨夢), which was published in the newspaper Maeil Sinbo, is the first translated novel with illustrations. It was adapted Japanese text and illustration to Korean circumstances with modifying or adding some parts of the images. Korean-Japanese adapted novel Jang Han Mong is clearly unveiled its acceptance form and settlement with the view of that Japanese newspaper illustrations formed new form of Japanese modern visual arts.
The artwork of adapted novel introduced new civilizations of the modern age promptly, more than any other kind of media. By displaying cultural images on the front cover, illustrated novel was capable of spreading and publicizing modern lifestyle to people persuasively. The modern figure, western lifestyle and new civilization images expressed in the illustrated fiction were influenced by commercial images and folkloric iconography from Japan. Therefore, the readers of serial graphic novel could get the concept of modern space-time and be enlightened on the civilization. Newspaper illustration vividly reflected actual images in modern commercials or fashionable photos and it described the scenery of colonial times.
Illustration of Jang Han Mong as a symbol of modern visualization was reproduced on an enlarged scale and it became popular image like movies or music. Images of newspaper illustration have influenced numerous other forms of public art and they had many changes over the course of modern history. The serial graphic novel(as one of fundamental elements of Korean public art in modern era) gets established over time, actively interacting with various literary genres including fiction. In this way, newspaper illustration in 1910s is regarded as the key medium for spreading modern arts during the Japanese early colonial period. Furthermore, it formed the field of new visual art, which reorganized Joseon culture under Japan’s colonial rule and it formed the field of new visual art.

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일제강점 초기 식민지 문화의 재편, 신문소설 삽화 &lt;長恨夢&gt;
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