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통일신라 경주지역의 불탑 배치에 관한 고찰

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최종 저작일
22페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 5,800원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국미술연구소 수록지정보 : 美術史論壇 / 31권
저자명 : 신용철

영어 초록

The layouts of temple buildings have been examined mainly in terms of the relations between the pagoda and the main worship hall, and, in the temple building layouts crafted before the Unified Silla period, one pagoda is commonly located at the center of the corridors. However, during the Unified Silla period, the layout changed in the way that, with the appearance of twin pagodas and the location of pagodas in spaces separate from the main hall area, the main hall is located to the east, while the pagoda is located to the west. This suggests that the main hall and the pagoda were deployed parallel to the east and the west, respectively, upgrading the pagoda's status to the status of the main hall.
To date, the layouts of twin pagodas have been examined on the basis of Scene of Jianbaotapin(見寶塔品) of Lotus Sutra(法華經). However, in the Scene of Jianbaotapin, only the Dabotap Pagoda rising from underground, and the lotus-seated twin Buddhas at the Dabotap Pagoda are mentioned, while no mention of the twin pagodas is made. Basically, based on Lotus Sutra, pagodas are classified into Pagodas for Buddha, caityas enshrining sutras, and Dabotap pagodas (the Buddha of the Past). Thus, the assertion that the construction of the twin pagodas is based on Lotus Sutra cannot be verified in terms of sutras. Also, examples are hardly confirmed wherein, during the Unified Silla period, parallel-seated Buddhas were crafted on the basis of Lotus Sutra, and wherein copies of Lotus Sutra were discovered even from twin pagodas. Considering this, the assertion that the layout of twin pagodas was based on Lotus Sutra has limitations.
It is very likely that, during the Unified Silla period, the deployment of twin pagodas was arranged in terms of their relation with the Buddha image in the worship hall. Notably, in the main worship halls which belong to the extant twin pagodas, Hwaeom(華嚴)-related Buddha images are enshrined, offering significant implications. The layout of twin pagodas needs to be further studied with the layout guideline divided into Geumgwangmyeong Sutra during the early stages of Unified Silla, and into Avatamaka Sutra during the midterm stages of Unified Silla.

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