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Analysis of Research Trends in South Korean ODA for Ethiopia (2000-2015)

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : APEC국제교육협력원 수록지정보 : Asia-Pacific Collaborative education Journal / 11권 / 2호
저자명 : Kim HyunJae, Shon Mi, Kim YoungHwan, Park MinKyoung


Literature Review
1. South Korean ODA for Africa19)
2. South Korean ODA for Ethiopia22)
1. Scope of Analysis Papers
2. Procedure of Analysis
3. Criteria of Analysis
Research Result and Interpretation
1. Result of Analysis by Stakeholder
2. Result of Analysis by Project Procedure
3. Result of Analysis by Methodology
4. Result of Analysis by MDGs
Conclusion and Recommendation
Appendix. List of Data

영어 초록

The purpose of this study is to analyze the research trends in the South Korean Official Development Assistance (ODA), by examining the papers of degree thesis papers, project reports, and academic journals published from 2000 to 2015, as well as investigating and proposing the themes for future studies. According to the rubrics of analysis, from numerous papers, twelve thesis, twelve reports and eight academic journals were selected and considered following five analysis criteria; namely, published year, stakeholder of study, project procedure, methodology, and relevance to MDGs, the Millennium Development Goals. The results of the analysis are as follows: first, the papers associated with South Korean ODA for Ethiopia were published in 2008 for the first time. With steadily increasing numbers of thesis, reports, and journals, following after 2008, researches have conducted studies vigorously since 2011. However, investigations on the South Korean ODA for Ethiopia are noticeably insufficient, in comparison to the grant aids and concessional loans paid thus far. Secondly, the analysis appeared in twelve papers published by universities, eleven by government authorities, and eight by specialty magazines. Upon closer inspection, the government authority indicated Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), and eight other specialty magazines, as well as the following: Korea Water Resources Association2), Korean Association of African Studies3), Korea Society of Agricultural Extension4), Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion5), Journal of International Collaboration in Education6), Korea Research Society for Customs7),Perspectives in Nursing Science, The Women’s Studies8). Third, project procedure utilized as the criteria for the analysis. As a result, one feasibility study conducted in 2012 and 2013, one planning study in 2008 and 2010, two planning studies in 2013, one evaluation study in 2011 were identified. However, each project procedure paper for the 25 projects launched thus far were difficult to find. Papers for those have no relevance with ODA projects, and were considered as other studies. Fourth, papers relevant to the MDGs stand as such; 11 papers were linked with MDG 2, ‘Achieve universal primary education’. Three papers had relevance to MDG 1, ‘Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger’, one to MDG 3, ‘Promote gender equality’, three to MDG 5, ‘Improve maternal health’, four to MDG 6, ‘Combat HIV/AIDS malaria, and other diseases’, two to MDG 7, ‘Ensure environmental sustainability’, seven to MDG 8, ‘Develop a global partnership for development’. There were no papers connected with MDG 4, ‘Reduce child mortality’. Therefore, based on this trend analysis, broader spectrums and diverse methods of study should be implemented for the future studies with regard to the South Korean ODA for Ethiopia.

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Analysis of Research Trends in South Korean ODA for Ethiopia (2000-2015)
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