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俛宇 郭鍾錫의 傳에 對하여

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41페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 경상대학교 남명학연구소 수록지정보 : 남명학연구 / 27권
저자명 : 朴禹勳


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 俛宇의 文章觀
Ⅲ. 俛宇 傳의 分析
1. 忠毅膽略의 丈夫 칭송-李德敏傳
2. 孝烈의 實踐 稱揚 -河孝子傳․金孝子傳․宋
3. 士君子의 德을 지닌 婦人 讚揚-殷孺人傳
Ⅳ. 俛宇 傳의 特徵과 作家意識
Ⅴ. 맺음말

한국어 초록

본고는 그동안 지금까지 별로 관심을 가지지 않았던 俛宇 郭鍾錫(1846- 1919)의 傳 6편을 검토하여 본 것이다. 면우는 文에서의 道의 중요성을 절실히 인식했다. 그러면서도 그는 문의 역할 을 적극적으로 주장했다. 문과 도는 구분될 수 없다고 본 그는 이들을 하나로 묶는 사람의 역할을 중요시 했다. 문의 목적을 明道에 두어 문은 義理에 근본하 여야 한다고 보았다. 「李德敏傳」은 25세(1870)에 지은 작품으로 忠毅膽略을 지녔으나 때를 만나 지 못해 능력을 펼치지 못한 인물인 이덕민을 칭송하고 한편으로 안타까워했 다. 이덕민의

영어 초록

This study investigates 6 of Myeonu Gwak Jongseok's less known jeons. The following passage provides a summary of his works: 1. Myeonu deeply emphasizes the importance of the doctrines of Confucius in literature. Conversely, he also insisted on the importance of the role of literature, as the doctrines of Confucius cannot be conveyed without it. In an attempt to understanding the relationship between literature and the doctrines of Confucius, he considered it to be humanity’s role to integrate them. According to his view, the purpose of literature was to investigate the doctrines of Confucius so literature could be based on truth without cliché. 2. 「Lee Dukmin Jeon」 was written at the age of 25 (1870). This work extols Lee Dukmin's loyalty and bravery while at the same time lamenting his inability to develop competence due to his lack of luck. Lee Dukmin's personal character was effectively exploited by Myeonu's excellent skill in accepting Lee's 「Maekye Gip」. Myeonu's idea regarding this can be found in a critical review. 3. 「Ha Hyoja Jeon」․「Kim Hyoja Jeon」․「Song Yeolbu Jeon」․「Hong Yeolbu Jeon」 praise dutiful sons and women of virtue. 「Ha Hyoja Jeo n」 was written at the age of 58 (1903). This work is mostly about 14 year old Ha Dalkyu, a dutiful son, to emphasize the importance of great devotion to parents. 「Kim Hyoja Jeon」 was written at the age of 69 (1914). Kim Chimyeong was selected as an exemplary example of Hyoja, a dutiful son. Kim Chimyeong's great devotion to his parents was represented in this work; he made up his mind, in a miracle spot, to be obedient to his parents' thinking. 「Song Yeolbu Jeon」 was written at the age of 60 (1905). Mrs. Park (origin of birth: Milyang), the wife of Song Uiyong, was selected to praise a woman of virtue whileregretting the prevailing state of society at that time; she acted out the doctrines of Confucius, which was rarely found among men. 「Hong Yeolbu Jeon」 was written at the age of 69. Remarkable features of this work are 1) the maincharacter's physical injury and 2) a long verdict. The author emphasized that the main character's suicide was justified by his unavoidable situation. 4. 「Eun Yuin Jeon」 was written at the age of 68 (1913). Mrs. Eun (origin of birth: Hangju), the wife of Kim Gyeyeol, was selected. The author collected the information about Eun through her elder son Giho. This work uses a number of stories to expound on Eun's virtue in spite of her being a woman. The character's utterances were frequently quoted throughout the work so a model of a wise mother and good wife could be manifested effectively. 5. A distinctive feature of Myeonu's works can be found in the verdict part. In 4 out of 6 works, criticism was mentioned twice in the verdict part. The structure of a verdict part includes two sections: In his first criticism in the verdict part, praise of the character's good achievement was presented. In his second criticism in the verdict part, the author's view of philosophy and literature illustrated the character's achievement. Myeonu fully carried out his idea through developing arguments in his second criticism along with preserving the conventional way of criticism, expressing criticism in first criticism in a verdict part. The purpose of his work was to urge Sadaebu (the gentry) of that time to be aware of virtue. Therefore, he insisted on the importance of the doctrines of Confucius and believed we should do our best in everything, as acts, such as great devotion to parents and the virtue,were noble regardless of others' acknowledgement.

참고 자료



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