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농촌과 도시 초등학생의 굴절이상 비교 분석

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 대한시과학회 수록지정보 : 대한시과학회지 / 9권 / 3호
저자명 : 윤미옥, 마기중

한국어 초록

경남 소재 농촌 초등학교 3곳과 도시 초등학교 1곳의 166명 (저학년 각 36명 고학년 각 47명)을 대상으로 나안시력과 자각식 굴절검사를 실시하여 지역별 학년별 및 성별간 비교 분석하였다. 나안시력은 농촌과 도시 학생에서 각각 0.75±0.34, 0.45±0.38로 유의한 차이를 보였고(t=5.689, p=0.000), 농촌 및 도시 학교의 저학년과 고학년 학생의 학년별 비교에서는 각각 와 0.84±0.25 와 0.54±0.37(t=4.088, p=0.000) 및 0.68±0.39 0.39±0.38(t=3.989, p=0.000)로 유의한 차이를 보였다. 성별 비교에서 남학생과 여학생은 각각 0.65±0.40, 0.55±0.38로 유의한 차이가 없었다. 안경 착용률은 농촌과 도시 학생에서 각각 12%와 51.8%로 유의한 차이를 보였고(t=7.356, p=0.000), 농촌 및 도시 학교의 저학년과 고학년 학생의 학년별 비교에서는 각각 0.0%와 44.4%(t=-5.291, p=0.000) 및 21.2%와 57.4%(t=-5.105, p=0.000)로 유의한 차이를 보였다. 성별 비교에서 남학생과 여학생은 30.7%(27명)와 33.3%(26명)으로 차이가 없었다(t=0.412, p=0.680). 등가구면 굴절이상도는 농촌 학생(-0.52±1.02D)과 도시 학생(-1.60±1.80D)간에 유의한 차이를 보였고(t=4.869, p=0.000), 농촌 및 도시 학교의 저학년과 고학년 학생의 학년별 비교에서는 각각 -0.14±0.48D와 -0.97±1.32D(t=5.048, p=0.000) 및 -0.81±1.21D와 -2.08±1.98D(t=5.051, p=0.000)로 유의한 차이를 보였다. 성별 비교에서 남학생(-0.85±1.24)보다 여학생(-1.31±1.78)이 높게 나타났으나 유의성은 없었다. (t=-1.952, p=0.052). 근시 유병률은 저학년보다 고학년에서, 농촌보다 도시에 거주하는 학생에서 더 높았으나, 성별 비교에서는 유의한 차이가 없었다. 이상으로부터 초등학생의 시력저하를 예방하고 효율적인 시력관리를 위해서는 거주 지역과 연령에 적합한 다각적인 시력 증진 프로그램의 개발이 필요하다고 사료된다.

영어 초록

This study investigated visual acuity and subjective refraction to examine correlations among the place of residence, school year and gender. The subjects were 166 children at 3 schools in rural and 1 school in urban Gyeongsangnamdo(low grade : n=36, high grade : n=47). The means of uncorrected visual acuity were 0.75±0.34 in the rural and 0.45±0.38 in the urban. In the low grade of elementary schoolchildren, the means of uncorrected visual acuity were 0.54±0.37 in the rural and 0.84±0.25 in the urban. In the high grade of elementary schoolchildren, the means of uncorrected visual acuity were 0.68±0.39 in the rural and 0.39±0.38 in the urban. And by gender, the means of uncorrected visual acuity were 0.65±0.40 in the boys and 0.55±0.38 in the girls. There were significant differences between the place of residence and school year, but there were no significant differences by gender. The frequency of uncorrected visual acuity of 0.8 or better in at least one eye was 66.2%(n=55) in the rural and 29.8%(n=24) in the urban. In the low grade of elementary schoolchildren, the frequency of uncorrected visual acuity of 0.8 or better in at least one eye was 72.2% in the rural and 33.3% in the urban. In the high grade of elementary schoolchildren, the frequency of uncorrected visual acuity of 0.8 or better in at least one eye was 61.7% in the rural and 25.5% in the urban. And by gender, the frequency of uncorrected visual acuity of 0.8 or better in at least one eye was 51.1%(45 명) of the boys and 43.6%(34 명) of the girls. There were significant differences between the place of residence and school year. but there were no significant differences by gender. The wearer of spectacle were 53 children(rural ; 12% < n = 10>, urban ; 51.8% < n = 43>). In the low grade of elementary schoolchildren, the wearer of spectacle was 0.0% in the rural and 44.4% in the urban. In the high grade of elementary schoolchildren, the wearer of spectacle was 21.2% in the rural and 57.4% in the urban. The wearer of spectacle were significant differences between the place of residence and school year. And by gender, the wearer of spectacle was 30.7%(27 명) of the boys and 33.3%(26 명) of the girls. There were significant differences between the place of residence and school year. but there were no significant differences by gender. The prevalence of myopia(-0.50D or more in spherical equivalent) was 28.9% in the rural and 62.6% in the urban. In the low grade of elementary schoolchildren, the prevalence of myopia were 13.9% in the rural and 50.0% in the urban. In the high grade of elementary schoolchildren, the prevalence of myopia were 40.4% in the rural and 72.3% in the urban. And by gender, the prevalence of myopia was 42.0%(37 명) of the boys and 50.0%(39 명) of the girls. The prevalence of myopia was greater in higher grade children than lower grade children, in the urban than the rural. But there were no significant differences by gender. In conclusion, subnormal visual acuity, the prevalence of spectacle wearing and myopia were greater as in the higher grade and in the urban children. It must be related with environmental factors than congenital factors. So multilateral vision care promotion program should be developed to prevent subnormal visual acuity and keep vision care.

참고 자료



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