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당뇨관련 국외논문 2개 요약정리 및 번역

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Self-care Activities and Depression among Cambodian patients with Type 2 Diabetes
(The) BDNF polymorphism is associated with psychiatric symptom among newly diagnosed diabetic patients.
요약 정리표에따라 깔끔하게 정리하였고 한글번역까지 완벽합니다
당뇨관련 국외논문 서치하실때 참고하여 좋은점수 받으시길 바랍니다


1. author(year)
2. Purpose of study
3. Research Design and Sample
4. Research Design
5. Analysis of Measure
6. Instrument
7. Results
8. suggestion
9. 참고문헌
10. 한글번역


author(year) : Lov SOTHON(2013)

Purpose of study
The purpose of this study was to examine self-care activities and depression among Cambodian patients with type 2 diabetes. The specific aims were to: describe self-care activities and depression and examine the relationship between self-care activities and depression.

Research Design and Sample
This study was conducted in two hospitals and one clinic in Cambodia using crosssectional study design. Two hundred and twelve Cambodian patients were diagnosed as type 2 diabetes’ patients for 2year and over.

Research Design
correlational research

Analysis of Measure
Self-care activities, Depression, The relationship with Self-care activities and depression

-Self-care activities scale in this study consisted 11 items: 4 items for diet, 2 items for exercise, 1 item for blood sugar test (excluded) 2 items for foot care, 1 item for medication 1item and 1 item for smoking. Score was range 1 to 7. (Toobert et al, 2000).

참고 자료

Lov SOTHON(2013).Self-care Activities and Depression among Cambodian patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Ajou University Thesis(M.A). gyeonggi d
Young Mi Lee (2012).(The) BDNF polymorphism is associated with psychiatric symptom among newly diagnosed diabetic patients. Yonsei University Thesis(M.A).seoul
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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