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프로바이오틱스 시장동향과 전망

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국유산균학회 수록지정보 : Current Topic in Lactic Acid Bacteria and Probiotics / 3권 / 2호
저자명 : 임광세, 정종욱, 오세종, 문용일, 고종호


서 론
본 론
프로바이오틱스의 종류와 상업용 시판 균주들
세계 프로바이오틱스 시장의 현황
국내 프로바이오틱스 시장 현황
프로바이오틱스 세계 시장의 성장 요인들
기능성 식품에 대한 소비 증가
프로바이오틱스 시장을 위축시키는 요인들
요 약

영어 초록

Probiotics are defined as live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, conferred a health benefits on the host by FAO/WHO. Probiotics can help to maintain the balance of microflora in the digestive tracts and these beneficial activities provide prevention from diseases to the host. Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli strains are most commonly used as probiotics. In many categories, probiotics are applied to different types of products like foods, dietary supplements, functional foods, and even drugs. Fermented dairy products are the most popular and efficient vehicle for administration. Probiotics are part of the much larger functional food and beverage market and one of the prime beneficiaries of the latest growth trend of fortified and functional foods. Until 2011, Japan, U.S, and Western Europe were the largest markets for probiotics, both in terms of consumption as well as growth. Since 2011 however, Asia Pacific, Eastern Europe and Brazil have had a tremendous rise in revenue from probiotics and are expected to remain in the product growth stage over the next five years. The primary reasons for the success of probiotics fortified foods in these markets are the increasing awareness about their potency and efficacy and the willingness of customers to pay extra for something healthy. The global probiotics market revenue was 27.9 billion US dollars in 2011 and is expected to reach 44.9 billion US dollars in 2018 with 6.8% annual growth rate. Growing consumption of fermented milks and increasing concerns over digestive and gut health are major driving forces and these demands has translated into increased R&D spending and new product developments over the last three years.

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