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Telegerontology® and Mobile Robot Companion

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
21페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국노년학연구회 수록지정보 : 한국노년학연구 / 18권
저자명 : J. C. Millán-Calenti, A. Maseda, A. Badii, T. Lorenzo, M. Villanueva, C. Pérez


Mobile Robot Companion

한국어 초록

Technological progress and changes in society, togetherwith an increasingly ageing population, especially in developedcountries, have demanded solutions to the problems linked to thisaging and the increasing number of elderly people. We describe twoassistive systems being currently developed and improved; the first one“Telegerontology®” is a gerontological resource that through theInternet, facilitates different functionalities at home or in institutionssuch as physical and cognitive intervention, and providing support toprofessionals. The second one “CompanionAble” consists of anintegrated system Smart-home and intelligent robot to give support to the elderly with mild cognitive impairment and their caregivers. Thesystem, which can move about in the home, incorporates functionalitiessuch as an application of cognitive stimulation, an event agenda and avideo-conference system. In conclusion, we consider that though theevolution of new technologies for the support of elderly and/or disabledpeople has experienced a great advance in the last years, and despitenew future system as Telegerontology® or CompanionAble, humanbeing support is still necessary for achieving their objectives. This fact isvery positive because we ensure the presence of a health professionalbehind each patient.

영어 초록

Technological progress and changes in society, together
with an increasingly ageing population, especially in developed
countries, have demanded solutions to the problems linked to this
aging and the increasing number of elderly people. We describe two
assistive systems being currently developed and improved; the first one
“Telegerontology®” is a gerontological resource that through the
Internet, facilitates different functionalities at home or in institutions
such as physical and cognitive intervention, and providing support to
professionals. The second one “CompanionAble” consists of an
integrated system Smart-home and intelligent robot to give support to the elderly with mild cognitive impairment and their caregivers. The
system, which can move about in the home, incorporates functionalities
such as an application of cognitive stimulation, an event agenda and a
video-conference system. In conclusion, we consider that though the
evolution of new technologies for the support of elderly and/or disabled
people has experienced a great advance in the last years, and despite
new future system as Telegerontology® or CompanionAble, human
being support is still necessary for achieving their objectives. This fact is
very positive because we ensure the presence of a health professional
behind each patient.

참고 자료



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Telegerontology® and Mobile Robot Companion
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2024년 07월 19일 금요일
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