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Evaluative Research on Reminiscence Partnership Program for Elderly Persons in Community

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21페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 5,000원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국노년학연구회 수록지정보 : 한국노년학연구 / 18권
저자명 : Toyoko Nomura



한국어 초록

The current paper examined the effect of groupreminiscence for the community-dwelling elderly persons usingcross-generational approach. The study was framed by ReminiscencePartnership Program that encompassed the intervention ofreminiscence group, the training of the university students and theprofessionals of health and social division, and the evaluation.Sixteen elderly persons participated in the reminiscence group. Theywere divided into two groups of 8. They attended an hour-longgroup session once every two weeks over three months. Thethemes of the group were chronological and non-chronological, withthe use of props of the local community. Evaluation of the programincluded pre- and post-test of MMSE, the Activity Scale of TMIG and Baum Test as well as focus group interview. The results ofthe focus group conducted to both the elderly and the studentsbrought to light the socio- cultural and interactional aspect ofgroup. It was suggested that the group reminiscence was effectivefor the elderly participants to bring out a sense of confidencetowards the continuity of self. On the part of the students, it wasfound that it enhanced the students' learning in the possibilities inaging and their reflection on themselves as future career. Aconceptual model is proposed in understanding the multi-dimensionaleffects of reminiscence intervention. The differences in the groupdevelopment and dynamics between the two groups are alsodescribed. Themes of reminiscence and some ethical considerationsin conducing reminiscence group are discussed. Evaluative researchon the intervention of reminiscence group with both qualitative andquantitative account is highly invited.

영어 초록

The current paper examined the effect of group
reminiscence for the community-dwelling elderly persons using
cross-generational approach. The study was framed by Reminiscence
Partnership Program that encompassed the intervention of
reminiscence group, the training of the university students and the
professionals of health and social division, and the evaluation.
Sixteen elderly persons participated in the reminiscence group. They
were divided into two groups of 8. They attended an hour-long
group session once every two weeks over three months. The
themes of the group were chronological and non-chronological, with
the use of props of the local community. Evaluation of the program
included pre- and post-test of MMSE, the Activity Scale of TMIG and Baum Test as well as focus group interview. The results of
the focus group conducted to both the elderly and the students
brought to light the socio- cultural and interactional aspect of
group. It was suggested that the group reminiscence was effective
for the elderly participants to bring out a sense of confidence
towards the continuity of self. On the part of the students, it was
found that it enhanced the students' learning in the possibilities in
aging and their reflection on themselves as future career. A
conceptual model is proposed in understanding the multi-dimensional
effects of reminiscence intervention. The differences in the group
development and dynamics between the two groups are also
described. Themes of reminiscence and some ethical considerations
in conducing reminiscence group are discussed. Evaluative research
on the intervention of reminiscence group with both qualitative and
quantitative account is highly invited.

참고 자료



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Evaluative Research on Reminiscence Partnership Program for Elderly Persons in Community
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