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발행기관 : 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회(GFMC) 수록지정보 : Global Marketing Conference
저자명 : ChunLin Yuan, Kyung Hoon Kim, XiaoLei Yu, Jenny Ma

영어 초록

Introduction The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between site features toward ecommerce and consumer attitude. For completion of this study, 598 online shopping experience for consumers participated in Guangzhou, Zhengzhou, Shenyang and conducted questionnaires. All data were analyzed by using the experimental method and By means of SPSS Ver 20.0 and AMOS 20.0 program to identify the relationship between site features toward ecommerce, User satisfaction, Use attitude towards the site and reuse intention in China. The results were followings: among site features toward ecommerce, Easy of use, Interaction, Information and executive ability influenced user satisfaction in China. User satisfaction have significant influence on use attitude toward the site. User satisfaction have significant influence on reuse intention. Use attitude toward the site have significant influence on reuse intention. And relation between site attributes toward online store and user satisfaction a portion moderated by e-WOM. Theoretical Frameworks With the use of the Internet and the popularization, the countries all over the world with the rapid expansion of scale, e-commerce application field of the economy in China has gradually been fully applied, more related to our life brought new development business services, the network shopping as a necessary to modern one of consumer behavior, and gradually developed into a new fashion. Under this background, the consumer online shopping, shopping website feature dimension has become an important factor that influence the online consumer behavior by academic circles in recent years. Literature, website characteristic dimension is discussed(Khaled Hsanein, 2007;Ying-Feng Kuo, 2012;Marie-Odile Richard, 2015;Jill Mosteller, 2014), user satisfaction, use the site attitude and intention to use consumer experience for shopping website features dimension problem, enrich the theory of shopping website feature dimension system. But concluded, abroad, especially in the United States consumer market based on shopping website feature dimension effect on user satisfaction research conclusion of the path itself is not the same. For example: Featherman & Pavlou(2003);Pavlou(2003); O`Cass&Fenech(2003)according to a study of cognitive useful online shopping intention have significant direct impact to the user the study of cognitive usability has a significant effect on shopping intention, but (Jinsoo Park ea al, 2004; Rong-An Shang, 2005)cognitive usefulness influence on shopping intention was not significant. Again, as a result of the above research mostly in foreign consumer market is given priority to, to foreign consumers research conclusion. But due to the difference of consumption culture between China and America, values differences, perceived shopping website characteristics, motivation, habit is also different, foreign research conclusions are not always suitable for the situation of the Chinese consumer market. for example, Jarvenpaa, etc.(1999) the study found that cognitive users to the website shopping risk to them from the online store shopping will have no effect. Teo&Yeong(2003) under Internet environment are studied by structural equation model of consumer purchase decision process, found that perceived risk and consumer negatively correlated to the general attitude towards online transactions. But (Zhao Chongzhi,2002) based on the domestic consumer market research found that shopping site safety cognition to the website for user functionality have a significant impact on interests and security interests. And (Cha Jin Xiang, Wang Lisheng,2006) of the study also found that consumer perception of shopping website service quality (including network security) and customer expectations of website for shopping website satisfaction have positive significant impact. The different research conclusions in different consumption market, Rachel Smith; George Deitz et al(2013) study because the result of different consumption culture. So according to the Chinese consumer market environment impact on consumer behavior under shopping website feature dimension is necessary for further research. Which shopping website feature dimension is main motivations affecting user satisfaction? Shopping site feature dimension can affect users through user satisfaction and willingness to use? Finally, some problems in the network shopping market in China, such as part of the electricity business enterprises lack of integrity led to false information, shopping website users with network information leakage weaken consumer trust and the shortage of electricity business logistics service ability, these problems have become the bottleneck of restricting network retail market sustained and rapid development. For consumers, before to make online shopping decisions, consumers need to compare goods search, information independently, price negotiation, customer feedback, and meantime consumers to comment on network level of recognition greatly affects the consumers' purchase intention (Wang Yuanhuai et al,2013). Especially for experiential service product, due to the consumers to buy before it is difficult to make an accurate evaluation the quality of the content(Litvin,2008), therefore, more comments need to refer to a large number of e-WOM in order to reduce the decision risk. So in this paper, the network comment information as regulating variable, confirm the shopping website feature dimension and the role of user satisfaction, etc., in this paper, the above problem is trying to answer. H1: Shopping site feature dimension positively related with satisfaction. H1-1: Shopping site feature dimension the ease of use and the use of satisfaction were positively correlated. H1-2: Shopping site of the interactive feature dimension was positively correlated with satisfaction. H1-3: Shopping site feature dimension informational was positively correlated with satisfaction. H1-4: Shopping site feature dimension performance was positively correlated with satisfaction.H1-5: Use the usefulness of feature dimension and shopping website satisfaction positively correlated. H2: user satisfaction positively related with the attitude of using the web. H3: user satisfaction and user intention to use present positive correlation. H4: use the website attitude positively related with user intention to use. H5 E-WOM in the website feature dimension and user satisfaction has significant intermediary role H5-1 E-WOM on the web site features in the dimension of usability and user satisfaction has significant intermediary role H5-2 The interactive E-WOM in the website feature dimension has significant intermediary role and user satisfaction H5-3 E-WOM in the website feature dimension of informational and user satisfaction has significant intermediary role H5-4 E-WOM in the website features dimensions and user satisfaction has significant intermediary role H5-5 E-WOM on the web site features dimension performance and user satisfaction has significant intermediary role Methods This research selected research object for the consumers of had online shopping experience, because these consumers to shopping website contact is more, the use of the functions of related websites have certain experience. Out 650 questionnaires, 598 valid questionnaires. Before the formal experiment, this study first preliminary experiments. Preliminary experiments in guangzhou, zhengzhou, shenyang, etc on the use of shopping website (Tmall, jingdong, Su Ningyi purchase, etc.) of the consumer as the research object, the actual 87 effective questionnaires were taken back. Preliminary experimental results show that the experimental measurement of each variable has a good reliability and validity, suitable for an official survey. Are test was started in February 17, 2015 ended on May 27, 2015, is still in the region were investigated. Market environment in our country according to the 2014 China's online shopping industry annual monitoring report Jane edition of C2C, the B2C shopping website ranking selection of shopping website: taobao, Tmall, jingdong, purchase, tencent Su Ningyi electricity online (QQ), etc., in view of the above in shopping website to buy related products, related use experience of man-made objects were investigated. Results in the overall sample run AMOS 20.0 software, to calculate the estimates of the model fitting index and the path coefficient. Analysis results show that the fitting of indicators of structural equation model is: x squared = 553.937, (df = 187, p = 0.000), GFI = 0.927, AGFI = 0.901, CFI = 0.920, IFI = 0.921, RMR = 0.067, RMSEA = 0.057. Results show that the indicators have reached the high level, the model with data fitting degree is high. As shown in (table 1) model of each path coefficient of relationship between variables in the statistical analysis of results. From which it is easy to find shopping website features ease of use, interactive, informative and usefulness has significantly effect on user satisfaction, but the ability to execute on user satisfaction without significant effect. And user satisfaction of users use shopping site attitude and intention to use also show significant effect, the final users use attitude for the user to use intentions also has a significant effect. In addition, the network comment information in the website is part feature dimension and user satisfaction. As shown in (table 2) moderated regression analysis of relationship between variables in the statistical analysis of results. First, network review information in the website feature dimension and user satisfaction has significant intermediary role. Second, the interactive network review information in the website feature dimension has not significant intermediary role and user satisfaction. Third, network review information in the website feature dimension of informational and user satisfaction has significant intermediary role. Fourth, network comment on the usefulness of information in the website features dimensions and user satisfaction has significant intermediary role. Fifth, network review information on the web site features dimension performance and user satisfaction has significant intermediary role. (see Table 1, Table 2). Discussion In this paper, the research conclusion of electricity enterprise management practice also has important reference value and enlightenment, mainly reflected in the following four aspects. First, the electricity business enterprise through the web site provides service should be reasonable combination of design and site features, meet the demand of consumers mutiple level, enhance user satisfaction. Second, the electric business enterprise should pay attention to improve consumers' perceived value and satisfaction, enhance the user use the site attitude and intention to use. Online store users satisfied with the attitude to users to use the site, the user to use intentions have made a significant positive correlation. Third, to provide online shopping electric business enterprise should touch the consumers actively, positive attitude, get the user to use choice intention and behavior. Fourth, the electricity business enterprise in the marketing practice of the business, to formulate the corresponding management system supporting effective incentives to encourage consumers to actively participate in product e-Wom, efforts to improve the quality and quantity of comments, fully excavate and make use of the effective information in the network comments, and according to these information, timely adjust enterprise product strategy, marketing strategy, service strategy, to adapt to the change of consumer demand, is expected to improve the satisfaction of consumer, to further cultivate customer loyalty, thus to obtain competitive advantage in the fierce market competition.

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