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星州六李의 貫鄕 表記 實相 硏究

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
63페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 12,500원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 경상대학교 남명학연구소 수록지정보 : 남명학연구 / 51권
저자명 : 이상필


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 星州六李의 淵源과 貫鄕 命名 背景
1. 京山李氏
2. 廣平李氏
3. 隴西李氏
4. 明經李氏
5. 碧珍李氏
6. 星山李氏
Ⅲ. 星州六李의 歷代 貫鄕 表記 實相
1. 歷史書 및 榜目에 나타난 星州六李의 관향 표기 실상
2. 族譜와 碑碣에 보이는 星州六李의 관향 표기 실상
3. 文集에 보이는 星州六李의 관향 표기 실상
4. 기타 문헌에 보이는 星州六李의 관향 표기 실상
5. 正祖 때 朝令으로 관향을 성주로 통일하여 쓰게 했다는 데 대하여
Ⅳ. 맺음말


영어 초록

There are six Lee families who use Seongju as their Gwanhyang (the birthplace of their first ancestor), and they are called the six Seongju Lee families, which include the Nongseo Lee family, the Byeokjin Lee family, the Seongsan Lee family, the Gwangpyeong Lee family, the Gyeongsan Lee family, and the Myeonggyeong Lee family. These six Lee families who use Seongju as their Gwanhyang had different progenitors and frequently married each other. If they use the same Gwanhyang, it is considered as a marriage between people with the same surname and the same family origin.
Therefore, it was not easy to indicate Gwanhyang when there was a marriage between people from the six Lee families. Since Seongju and Seongsan were the most commonly used Gwanhyang by the six Lee families, it is highly difficult to find a certain ancestor with an assumption that the ancestor uses today's Gwanhyang, because it is hard to know which family this ancestor is from. Therefore, I want to reveal the origins of the six Lee families and how they indicated their Gwanhyang specifically. This work will be significant since it clarifies the identities of the six Seongju Lee families and provides guidelines to find ancestors related to the six Seongju Lee families.
The results of this review come down to the following.
First, there are six Lee families who use Seongju as their Gwanhyang, and it includes the Gyeongsan Lee family, the descendants of Akgeobujeong (official title) Lee Deok-bu; the Gwangpyeong Lee family, the descendants of Gwangpyeonggun (official title) Lee Neung; the Nongseo Lee family, the descendants of Nongseogungong (official title) Lee Jang-gyeong; the Myeonggyeong Lee family, the descendants of Myeonggyeongjangwon (signifying winning the first place in the Myeonggyeon exam) Lee Geuk-song; the Byeokjin Lee family, the descendants of General Byeokjin (official title) Lee Chong-eon; and the Seongsan Lee family, the descendants of Seongsangun (official title) Lee Neung-il.
Second, the Gyeongsan Lee family, the descendants of the Akgeobujeong, was also called the Bujeong Lee family. As they were also the descendants of Sobuyoon (official title) Lee Gam, they were once called the Soyoon Lee family.
Third, the Nongseo Lee family unites and uses their Gwanhyang as the "Seongju Lee family" nowadays.
Fourth, the Myeonggyeong Lee family was combined into the genealogy of the Byeokjin Lee family after 1864, and it has been maintained until today.
Fifth, the descendants of Lee Gyeon-gan among the descendants of General Byeokjin were once indicated distinctly as the Sanhwa Lee family.
Sixth, the Gwanhyang of the six Seongju Lee families was indicated as "Seongju" in the official records of the Joseon Dynasty era.
Seventh, the six Seongju Lee families frequently used "Seongju" and "Seongsan" as their Gwanghyang in historical records.
Eighth, "Byeokjin" and "Nongseo" are the most distinctive Gwanhyang among the six Seongju Lee families as they refer to the descendants of General Byeokjin and the descendants of the Nongseogungong.
Ninth, the Nongseo Lee family and the Seongsan Lee family temporarily used "Gyeongsan" as their Gwanhyang, and the Nongseo Lee family temporarily used "Gwangpyeong" as their Gwanhyang. However, in general, the Gyeongsan Lee family and the Gwangpyeong Lee family have a historical uniqueness.
Finally, the need for distinguishing Gwanhyang began to be gradually recognized after 1593 when genealogies were established, and it was strengthened in around 1800, but it did not completely settle down. In the 1900s, Gwanhyang began to be indicated distinctively. Before then, Seongju and Seongsan were mixed and used so that it was not possible to distinguish the six Lee families only with Gwanhyang.

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