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통일대비 민족 동질성 회복을 위한 보훈단체 역할 재조명

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
21페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 5,000원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국보훈학회 수록지정보 : 한국보훈논총 / 15권 / 3호
저자명 : 양정훈


Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 민족적 동질성 파괴와 회복을 위한 보훈
Ⅲ. ‘통일한국’에서의 보훈정책 방향
Ⅳ. Action: 통일 대비 보훈단체의 바람직한 역할
Ⅴ. 결 론

한국어 초록

영어 초록

Our great number of patriotic martyrs cast away their lives in order to keep the
value of “Sacrifice of life for the country and people”. In addition, a lot of fallen
patriots sacrificed themselves for the country. However, in reality, we are unable
to preserve the glorious national heritage of the ancestor by ourselves.
When we observe South Korea only, it is divided into liberals and conservatives
or left party and right party, which is the unsubstantial justification. The fierce
conflict and confrontation are only committed to the pursuit of interest of the
group rather than the state and people; therefore, we cannot find the publicism for
the Republic of Korea in the conflicting situations. The national identity inherited
from ancestors is being lost.
In this paper, I emphasize the role and importance of Korean Veterans
Organizations as the way to make the future Republic of Korea to prepare for the
reality and unification. It is because Korean Veterans Organizations need to play
more crucial role even after achieving the United Korea. They are the public
groups that have been granted the sublime, noble, and honorable sense of calling.
Especially, the history says that these veterans’ organizations drive forces which
had patriots dedicate to the community from the independence movement up to
establishment of a democracy of today. The organizations are the moral authority
of people who work for veterans on behalf of the country.
It explored again that consistently and widely spreading the types of works in
the nation, such as shall be promoted more efficiently by ‘Veterans Organizations’
as the principal not by other groups.
I argue that it is not the other groups but Veterans groups which need to carry
on the tasks effectively and constantly such as identifying the nature of political
structure of North Korea and making people recognize the value of the country.

참고 자료



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