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자동차 산업 엔지니어링 아웃소싱의 효용성 및 이와 관련 신기술 대비 한국 자동차 부품 업체 전망 분석

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This dissertation is about outsourcing in the automotive industry, specifically the ways in which
product engineering of cars, in particular, is transferred or “outsourced” to suppliers and
specialist providers as well as engineering retained by automobile manufacturers in the UK
and Korea.


1. Introduction

2. Research methodology
2.1 Research design
3 Literature Review
3.1 What is outsourcing
3.2 Benefits and risks of outsourcing
3.2.1 Benefits from outsourcing Performance improvement Concentrate on core competencies Cost reduction Risk reduction New skills and knowledge
3.2.2 Risks of outsourcing Loss of control & loss of confidential Information Failure of contractors Transaction costs
3.3 Outsourcing in the automotive industry
3.3.1 Changes over time
3.3.2 Vertical disintegration and modularisation
3.3.3 Modularisation and development of tier structure
3.3.4 Changes of firm’s boundary and relationship
3.4 Engineering outsourcing in automotive industry
3.4.1 Engineering outsourcing in diluted tier structure
3.4.2 Engineering outsourcing from the new type of suppliers: ESP
3.4.3 NPD involvement of FSS and ESP
3.4.4 Benefits and risks of engineering outsourcing
3.5 Engineering outsourcing in Korean automotive industry
3.5.1 Structural integration of the Korean organisation
3.5.2 The relationship between Hyundai & Kia Motors and Korean Suppliers
3.6 Closing remarks: Literature review

4. Results and analysis
4.1 Backgrounds from the responses for data analysis and discussion
4.1.1 The results
4.1.2 Current engineering outsourcing status between OEM X in Korea and OEM Y in the UK
4.1.3 Different working and contract culture
4.2 Engineering outsourcing: comparison between insourcing and outsourcing
4.2.1 Results and data analysis of the pros and cons of engineering outsourcing
4.3 Comparison between FSS and ESP
4.3.1 OEM perspective: Engineering outsourcing
4.3.2 Supplier perspective: Pros and cons of FSS and ESP
4.4 The Korean suppliers in the Korean engineering outsourcing market

5. Discussion
5.1 Engineering outsourcing will be continued
5.2 The ideal form of a supplier in the foreseeable future
5.3 The optimum strategy for FSSs and ESP
5.3.1 Optimum frame for FSSs
5.3.2 The optimum frame for an ESP
5.4 The direction of the Korean suppliers
5.4.1 Optimum frame for the Korean suppliers
5.4.2 Prospect of the Korean suppliers
5.5 Closing remarks: Discussion

6. Conclusion

7. Limitations and recommendation

8. References

9. Bibliograhpy

10. Appendices


This research is structured as shown in Figure 1.1. In this dissertation, the research methodology will be exhibited prior to other chapters. In many cases, the importance of the methodology tends to be overlooked, particularly in the social sciences (Kothari, 2004). However, this research will focus on showing the foundation of its concept to explicitly improve its quality (Kothari, 2004). The research methodology chapter consists of the explanation of the fundamental paradigm, approach, methods for data collection and analysis.
In the literature review chapter, the definition and knowledge of general outsourcing will be illustrated so that the research is supported by reliable data. In addition to a wide range of approaches, the literature review chapter not only exhibits the fundamental recognition of the automotive industry in terms of development flow from the past to the present but also sub-analyses of engineering outsourcing in the automotive industry.

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