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The correlation between the social media usage of football clubs and the loyalty of fans Suwon Samsung Bluewings and AFC Bournemouth

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"The correlation between the social media usage of football clubs and the loyalty of fans Suwon Samsung Bluewings and AFC Bournemouth"에 대한 내용입니다.


Ⅰ. Abstract

Ⅱ. Introduction

Ⅲ. Literature Review
1. Media and Sports
2. Social Media: An overview
3. Social Media and Sports
4. Social media and Football
5. Social Media and Football Business
6. Social media and violence of football fans
7. Research Aim

Ⅳ. Part 2 – Case Studies
1. Case Study 1 - AFC Bournemouth
2. Case Study 2 - Suwon Samsung Bluewings

Ⅴ. Conclusion

Ⅵ. Bibliography


Social media has hugely influenced on relation between sports organisations and fans. Through social network sites, organisations, athletes and fans are able to interact directly. This dissertation will analyse how social media has changed the relationship between professional football clubs and fans and whether the application of social media of football clubs has influenced on the loyalty of fans to the club they support. The term ‘loyalty’ is an abstract concept. Thus, this dissertation will measure loyalty in how social media affect club income or how many spectators visit stadium for watching game. To analyse the actual effect of social media usage on football club, this dissertation will search two professional sports clubs, AFC Bournemouth and Suwon Samsung Bluewings.

The development of Information Technology (IT) has caused a lot of changes in producing and consuming the news (Weeks and Holbert 2013). The boundary of main agents that deal with the information or news has become widen and vague.

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The correlation between the social media usage of football clubs and the loyalty of fans Suwon Samsung Bluewings and AFC Bournemouth
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