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샘 셀본, 「The Lonely Londoners」(외로운 런던사람들) - 런던의 공간적 특성에 대하여 (영문 레포트)

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Samuel Selvon, 「The Lonely Londoners」 속의 London의 공간적 특성을 논한 영문 레포트입니다.




In many ways, Selvon demonstrates the image of London in the point of view of West Indian who moved into Britain for better wage and jobs in the 1950s. Especially this world called London has not a small influence on the immigrants who came with hope and thought the city as the alternative of Trinidad. We will look on how London is described and it as a symbol of the extension of Trinidad, by first searching the motives for immigrants started to come, and mostly about how the immigrants feel isolation in London through seasons and weather, and finally the consequence of emigration to London.

Firstly, we can look over the motives for the West Indian immigrants moving to London, in regards of the extension of the life in their homeland Trinidad, and their general perceptions on the city London. London is a place where they could find work and become prosperous expecting the golden-paved streets of London.

참고 자료

Selvon, Samuel. The Lonely Londoners. New York : Longman Publishing Group,1985. Print.
Zehnder, Martin. Something Rich and Strange : Selected Essays on Samuel Selvon. England: Peepal Tree Press, 2003. Print.
Salick, Roydon. The Novels of Samuel Selvon. Westport: Greenwood Press, 2001. Print.
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샘 셀본, 「The Lonely Londoners」(외로운 런던사람들) - 런던의 공간적 특성에 대하여 (영문 레포트)
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