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Combined Reflection and Refraction Processing of Dense, Wide-Aperture Data of EAGE Middle East Bootcamp 2015 (Al Ain, UAE) JinYeob Na Master of Science June 2018 A thesis

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Seismic processing 의 전반적인 내용을 다루고 있습니다.


1. Abstract
2. Acknowledgment
3. Declaration and Copyright
4. Contents
5. List of Figures
6. Introduction
7. Geologic Background of Al Ain
8. Seismic Data Acquisition
9. Processing flow
10. Data processing
11. Interpretation of the processing results
12. Discussion and Conclusion
13. Reference
14. Appendix



Sedimentary basins undergone compressional events usually embrace high-angle folds and steep layers compositions. Al Jaww plain, which is included in the UAE basin, is also characterized by a complex geological structure with compressional footprints left by two major events: the Oman ophiolite obduction and Zagros folding. The plain is bounded on the east by NS aligned Oman mountains and on the west by the fold-thrust front of the Jabal Hafit mountain. In order to obtain a high-resolution image of the structurally complex UAE basin, the data acquisition was carried out by employing the densely located wide-aperture seismic arrays over the south-eastern part of the basin. The survey was conducted across the 6 km line with 5 m intervals of the receiver and shot progression of 2.5 m. Prestack depth migration (PSDM) together with the tomographic inversions are mainly carried out to visualize the high-resolution subsurface image in the thesis.

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Combined Reflection and Refraction Processing of Dense, Wide-Aperture Data of EAGE Middle East Bootcamp 2015 (Al Ain, UAE) JinYeob Na Master of Science June 2018 A thesis
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