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기타 자동 재생기 Guitar Auto Play 학사 논문 메카트로닉 공대

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최종 저작일
41페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


*공대 영문 학사 논문(프로젝트)입니다. (41페이지) 분량*

1. 기타 자동 재생기에 대한 프로젝트 논문입니다.
: 기타를 자동으로 연주하기 위해 기타의 물리적 성질을 분석 한 후, 기타 자동 재생에 대한
방법을 고찰 함.

2. 총 41페이지 분량의 영문 프로젝트입니다.


(a) Idea
(b) Background Study
(i) Guitar
(ii) Basic Concept of Electromechanical Operation
(c) Objective

(a) Block Diagram of Overall System
(b) Designed Overall Structure
(c) Mechanical Parts
(i) Body Part
(ii) Fret Part of Guitar
(iii) Stroking Part of Guitar
(d) Electrical Parts
(i) Power Supply
(ii) ULN2803
(iii) L298N
(iv) Transistor
(v) Relay
(e) Software & Programming
(i) Raspberry Pi

(a) Measurement
(i) Guitar Dimensions
(ii) Guitar String
(iii) Solenoid (SDC-11PH (5F))
(b) Fret Part
(i) Installation
(ii) Operating Sequence
(c) Stroking Part
(d) Code
(i) Sonic-Pi
(ii) Python
(iii) Code Concept
(e) Electric Circuit
(i) Circuit Block Diagram
(ii) Circuit for fret part
(iii) Circuit for stroking part
(f) System Operation

(a) Ultimate Conclution
(b) Photos

V. Reference


Sound is one of the natural phenomena which has some physical implements and the audible vibration makes our ears happy. The source of sound is basically vibration, the musical instruments must be able to create the vibration and there are many ways to make it. For example, drums make low frequency range by getting impulses, flutes make some phase frequencies by dealing with holes on it, and violins make some frictions by rubbing the strings.
Our project is the combination of mechanical, electrical, and programming parts. And this project will fulfill all the requirements of the instrument, specifically guitar, to make sound itself so that the machine is going to play some music.
After we come up with this idea, we found that there are proper programs in Raspberry Pi operating system, which are Sonic-Pi and Python. Sonic-Pi sends OSC messages to Python, then solenoids or motors will receive ON or OFF signal from Python.

참고 자료

Wikipedia. (3 Jan 2015). Wikipedia. Classic guitar. Retrieved from https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classical_guitar
Noyce, I. (Oct-Dec, 1982). Noyce’s Guitars. STRING TENSION AND TUNING. Retrieved from http://www.noyceguitars.com/technotes/articles/t3.html
Aswinth, R. (Jun 27, 2016). Quora. Solenoid. Retrieved from https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-differences-between-a-relay-and-solenoid
Wikipedia. (June 1, 2010). Wikipedia. Electromagnet. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnet#/media/File:VFPt_Solenoid_correct2.svg
株式会社コウデン. カタログ一覧. Retrieved from www.koh-den.co.jp/catalog/
株式会社コウデン. カタログ一覧. Retrieved from www.koh-den.co.jp/catalog/
株式会社コウデン. カタログ一覧. Retrieved from www.koh-den.co.jp/catalog/
D'Addario. (2013). D'Addario. EJ45 Pro-Arté Nylon. Retrieved from http://www.daddario.com/DADProductDetail.Page?ActiveID=3769&productid=213&productname=EJ45_Pro_Art__Nylon__Normal_Tension
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