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아가서 저작권에 관한 연구. 영어소논문. 박사지원샘플에세이

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"아가서 저작권에 관한 연구. 영어소논문. 박사지원샘플에세이"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction

2. Scholars’ debates on Authorship with the date of the book
1.1 The superscription of the book
1.2 Linguistic approach & date of writing
1.3 Literary approach

3. A Comparison of the Song of Songs to ancient Near Eastern love poetry
1.3.1 Comparative charts of major characteristics between Mesopotamian and Egyptian love poetry
1.3.2 Mesopotamian Love Poetry
1.3.3 Egyptian Love Poetry
1.3.4 Conclusion
1.4 Historical approach
1.5 Geographical approach
1.6 Aspects of Solomon’s life
1.7 Recent authorship study

4. Conclusion

5. Bibliography


Three names – The Song of Songs, The Song of Solomon, and Canticles – have all been given to us as the name of this book. The book’s uniqueness in terms of style, word play, and structure and uncertain points of ongoing scholarly debate such as the date it was written, a canonization in certain religious communities and interpretation have made it a frequent source of lively debate among scholars. While this paper focuses on only one of the issues the authorship of the book, the singular issue is strongly linked with other major issues such as the compositional date or the unity of the Song; these other issues have been hotly debated among scholars. In order to achieve the goal of examining the Song of Songs’ authorship, this paper will pay close attention to the text’s superscription, linguistics, the literary approach, historical fact, geographical aspect, and Solomon’s life, according to scripture. This paper also will discuss the feminist perspective.

참고 자료

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