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20페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 대한중국학회 수록지정보 : 中國學 / 81권
저자명 : 王宏银, 文哲珠


1. 绪论
2. 互联网金融消费者权益保护的理论背景
1) 互联网金融费者权益保护的概念
2) 互联网金融消费者意义
4) 国外互联网金融消费者保护制度
3. 互联网金融消费者保护法的作用
1) 平衡互联网金融市场参与者的利益
2) 完善互联网金融的监管体系
3) 促进互联网金融市场的健康发展
4) 保障互联网金融消费者基本权利
4. 中国互联网金融消费者权益保护制度的纷争点及解决对策
1) 中国互联网金融消费者权益保护制度的纷争点
2) 中国互联网金融消费者权益保护制度纷争解决对策
5. 结论

영어 초록

With the continuous upgrading of network technology and the gradual maturity of network environment, modern society provides good conditions for the modernization and information development of financial industry. Based on this, the modern development model of Internet plus finance is being built and improved, and has an impact on all aspects of people's life and production. With the Internet platform as the carrier, it is relatively convenient for consumers to purchase financial products and services, and the transaction cost is low, which fully meets the capital needs of small and medium enterprises, stimulates market transactions, and increases the transaction scale. Therefore, the Internet can play a key and important role in the rapid development of the financial industry. However, due to the relatively complex and risky Internet financial market, Chinese government lacks legal protection and financial supervision for the Internet financial consumers. Illegal activities such as false publicity, personal information disclosure and fraud occur frequently on Internet financial platforms, and the interests and rights of Internet financial consumers cannot be guaranteed absolutely . These financial consumers are the main participants in the development of the industry and the driving force of market development. This paper mainly uses literature review method and comparative research method to study how to improve the protection of consumer rights and interests and maintain the healthy and stable development of the financial market. So that consumers can achieve their interests under the development of the industry, and their interests can be guaranteed absolutely .Finally, it is concluded that it is necessary to combine the characteristics of the Internet industry to formulate relevant consumer rights and interests protection laws and establish its related legal system. Chinese government Should be fully learn from advanced development models and ideas of other countries. Finally, combined with its own development trend and current situation, improve the supervision of financial institutions.

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