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Hydraulic-Thermal-Mechanical Properties and Radionuclide Release-Retarding Capacity of Kyungju Bentonite

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10페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국방사성폐기물학회 수록지정보 : 방사성폐기물학회지 / 2권 / 2호
저자명 : Jae-Owan Lee, Won-Jin Cho, Pil-Soo Hahn


I. Introduction
II. Kyungju Bentonite
III. Hydraulic Propertles
IV. Swelling Properties
V. Thermal Properties
VI. Mechanical Properties
VII. Radionuclide Release-Retarding Capacity
VIII. Conclusions Acknowledgement References

한국어 초록

고준위방사성폐기물 처분장의 완충재 후보물질 선정을 위해 경주 벤토나이트를 대상으로 수리특성, 팽윤특성, 열적특성, 역학특성 및 핵종유출 저지특성을 조사하였다. 실험결과, 압축 벤토나이트의 수리전도도는 m/s 이하로 매우 낮았으며 건조밀도가 증가할수록 감소하였다. 팽윤압은 0.66 ㎫∼14.4 ㎫ 사이의 값을 보였으며 건조밀도에 따라 증가하였다. 건조밀도가 1.4 Ms/㎥ ∼ 1.8 Mg/㎥1.4 일때, 열전도도, 열축압축강도 (unconfined compressive strength), 탄성계수 (Young's modulus of elasticity), Poisson 비는 각각 0.80 ㎉/m ∼1.52 ㎉/m , 0.55 ㎫ ∼ 8.83 ㎫, 59 ㎫ ∼ 1275 ㎫, 0.05 ∼ 0.20의 값을 나타내었다. 압축벤토나이트에 대한 핵증 확산계수는 산화 환경에서 측정되었으며, 주어진 실험조건에서 삼중수소 (H-3)는 1.7 /s ∼ 3.4 /s. 양이온 핵종 (Cs, Sr , Ni)은 8.6 /s ∼ 1.3 /s, 음이온 핵종 (I, Tc)은 1.2 /s ∼ 9.5 /s, 악티나이드 핵종은 3.0 /s ∼ 1.8 /s 사이의 값을 나타내었다. 이때 확산계수는 모든 핵종에 대해 압축벤토나이트의 건조밀도가 증가할수록 감소하는 경향을 보였다.

영어 초록

Studies were conducted to select the candidate buffer material for a high-level waste (HLW) repository in Korea. This paper presents the hydraulic properties, the swelling properties, the thermal properties, and the mechanical properties as well as the radionuclide release-retarding capacity of Kyungju bentonite as part of those studies. Experimental results showed that the hydraulic conductivities of the compacted bentonite were very low and less than m/s. The values decreased with increasing the dry density of the compacted bentonite. The swelling pressures were in the range of 0.66 MPa to 14.4 ㎫ and they increased with increasing the dry density. The thermal conductivities were in the range of 0.80 ㎉/m to 1.52 ㎉/m . The unconfined compressive strength, Young's modulus and Poison's ratio showed the range of 0.55 ㎫ to 8.83 ㎫, 59 ㎫ to 1275 ㎫, and 0.05 to 0.20, respectively, when the dry densities of the compacted bentonite were 1.4 Ms/㎥ to 1.8 Mg/㎥. The diffusion coefficients in the compacted bentonite were measured under an oxidizing condition. The values were 1.7×10-10/s to 3.4×10-10/s for electrically neutral tritium (H-3), 8.6×10-14/s to 1.3×10-12/s for cations (Cs, Sr, Ni), 1.2×10-11/s to 9.5×10-11/s for anions (I, Tc), and 3.0×10-14 /s to 1.8×10-13/s for actinides (U, Am), when tile dry densities were in the range of 1.2 Mg/㎥ to 1.8 Mg/㎥. The obtained results will be used in assessing the barrier properties of Kyungju bentonite as a buffer material of a repository in Korea.n Korea.

참고 자료



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Hydraulic-Thermal-Mechanical Properties and Radionuclide Release-Retarding Capacity of Kyungju Bentonite
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