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소 유전체에서의 CNV(Copy Number Variation) 연구현황(총설)

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 강원대학교 동물자원공동연구소 수록지정보 : 동물자원연구 / 23권 / 1호
저자명 : 최정우, 이학교, 이성진


ABSTRACT Ι. 서론 II. 본론 1. Microarray에 기반한 분석 2. NGS short read를 이용한 방식 3. 국내 재래종 소에서의 CNV 연구 현황 III. 결론 IV. 요약 V. 인용문헌

영어 초록

Since the Bovine sequencing and HapMap projects, there have been millions of genetic variations particularly including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) available throughout the cattle genome. While cataloguing substantial amounts of SNPs, copy number variation (CNV) has recently become getting great attention as an another form of genetic variation which is extensively distributed across the cattle genome. As it has been well known that CNVs can account for substantial proportions of phenotypic variance in other species including human, CNVs are highly expected to explain genetic variations of diverse economically important traits in cattle. Currently, two main approaches such as hybridization-based microarray and massively parallel sequencing-based method have been successfully applied to detect CNVs throughout the cattle genome. Although there is obvious difference of capabilities to detect genome-wide CNVs at fine scales between different platforms applied, all currently completed investigations exhibited that CNVs are extensively spread throughout the cattle genome as observed in other species. Despite these successes, there are still severe lacks of researches to identify multiple levels of CNVs from diverse cattle or multiple individuals, suggesting that there are a number of CNVs remained undiscovered. Furthermore, there are almost few investigations available to elucidate how each CNV is associated with traits of interest in cattle, so such functional study should be followed along with saturating most of potential CNVs on cattle genome.

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소 유전체에서의 CNV(Copy Number Variation) 연구현황(총설)
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