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庄子“自觉觉他”思想探析 ― 兼论儒道分与平的对话

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12페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,300원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 대한중국학회 수록지정보 : 中國學 / 54권
저자명 : 신가림


1. 引言
2. 思想的“净化器”:庄子之“平”
3. “自觉觉他”思想的凸显
1) 价值转换方面
2) 理论阐扬方面
3) 个体实现方面
4. “天之道”与“人之道”
5. “平”与“分”的交织与金律重塑

영어 초록

Confucianism and Taoism both played very important roles in the history of China. On the whole, such a trend can be found that when the nation is united and the society is stable, Confucianism would prevail and dominate the political orientation. However, Taoism would become the mainstream of social ideology and the main theme of thought together with Buddhism when the nation is in the state of war and there is social unrest. Therefore, it’s obviously necessary to figure out what the characteristics of the two schools are.
Confucianism emphasizes on “Difference”, however “Equality” is an important part of Taoism. The refined two terms probably reflect the difference in expounding ideas and practicing theoretical path between them. Confucian politeness rule “being harmonious then respectful” (亲亲尊尊) standardizes Chinese millenarian civilization. Since the existence of Confucianism, it has great influence on each dynasty. It, meanwhile, explicitly specifies a class difference between the young and the old, and between the lower class and the upper class, which is also an equidifferent logic paradigm. On the other side, it appears that Chuang Tzu’s “On Leveling All Things”(齐物论) is unruly uninhibited. However, the “Equality” philosophy builds strong inner strength in a large context and it also has great soft influence on the social framework which is composed of Confucianism on the surface and legalism beneath the surface.
Up to now, the intertexture between “Equality” and “Difference” can probably still contribute to the rebuilding of the Golden Rule by means of their distinctive characteristic of thought and profound historical accumulation.

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庄子“自觉觉他”思想探析 ― 兼论儒道分与平的对话
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