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国内蜜月旅游消费者行为特征与营销策略 : 上海情况与他城经验

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
18페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 5,200원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 대한중국학회 수록지정보 : 中國學 / 54권
저자명 : 왕타오, 김창경


1. 引言
2. 蜜月旅游及旅游者消费行为
1) 蜜月旅游概念的提出
2) 蜜月旅游者消费行为
3. 相关文献综述
1) 国外研究综述
2) 国内研究综述
4. 国内蜜月旅游发展状况
1) 上海近年蜜月旅游发展状况
2) 国内他城蜜月旅游发展状况
5. 上海蜜月旅游消费者行为测量分析
1) 研究方法
2) 研究结果分析
6. 蜜月旅游营销的相关建议
1) 提供有针对性的多样化产品
3) 注重海岛游产品和品牌经营模式
4) 完善上海蜜月旅游市场的产业链
5) 加强市场营销宣传力度和方法
7. 结论

영어 초록

In recent years, the young people who born in the 1980s and 1990s have been married, the number of young married couples who are open-minded is generally rising. Tourism has gradually been accepted as a new method to celebrate the wedding. So honeymoon tourism is so popular in the tourism market, and it has become a new tourism product in order to meet the newly married couples’ travel requirement. According to the study of the development of domestic and overseas honeymoon tourism market and the theory of consumer behavior and psychology, this paper has analyzed the factors influencing consumers’ honeymoon travel behavior. Shanghai, as one of the biggest international city in China, the number of honeymoon travel consumers is huge. So, by using the questionnaire, this paper also statistically analyzes and contrasts the characteristics of consumer behavior between Shanghai and other domestic active honeymoon tourism cities and researches the influential factors of honeymoon tourism. Finally through the results of this study, this paper provides a reasonable and effective marketing strategy about the development of Shanghai honeymoon tourism market, hoping to explore more potential customers for the enterprises, developing more new honeymoon tourism products, improving this tourism market system, and promoting the development of honeymoon tourism market.

참고 자료



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国内蜜月旅游消费者行为特征与营销策略 : 上海情况与他城经验
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