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발행기관 : 대한중국학회 수록지정보 : 中國學 / 57권
저자명 : 이영희

영어 초록

In modern Chinese, nouns act as adverbials, which are very special grammatical phenomena. Nouns as adverbials refer to the question of whether or not the adverbials mark "de(地)". By means of syntactic and semantic analysis, common nouns of table time, place and position are used as adverbials without markedness. By the constraints of context, weaker means the meaning of reference expression tools and compares. The common names of people, animals and objects, This is the ancient Chinese syntax structure of the results of the grammaticalization. In modern Chinese, abstract nouns act as adverbials, which are related to the "subjectivity" of linguistic typology. These abstract nouns carry the semantical case of mark "de(地)" to express subjective meaning. In particular, it was manner adverbial that the common nouns are expressed in the form of juxtaposition, and the quantity structure is expressed by the reduplication structures. Nominal component modified action behavior whether there is mark divisded into two kind of meanings in the semantic for the objective and subjective sense. Objective meaning refers to the speaker has nothing to do and Subjective meaning refers to the speaker's subjective beliefs and attitudes associated with the significance. The reduplication structure and the noun juxtaposition structure express the subjective meaning, while the preposition structure does not have the subjective and objective points. It only expresses the semantic meaning of the prepositive markings which have been completely grammaticalization.

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