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Microarray에 의한 정상과 불멸화 구강 각화세포의 유전자 발현비교

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12페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 4,300원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 대한구강악안면병리학회 수록지정보 : 대한구강악안면병리학회지 / 29권 / 4호
저자명 : 이선경, 이화정, 최향순, 유문목, 고한영, 김석호, 김성현, 원달호, 박종대, 박명희, 김은철

영어 초록

Studies to evaluate distribution of markers in normal keratinocyte and their immortalized keratinocyte are appropriate to evaluate the normal and preneoplastic lesion of oral cancers as biochemical and cytochemical changes associate with tumorigenesis being not completely understood. Complementary DNA microarray containing 6000 sequence -verified cDNA elements was used to systematically characterize the variation in gene expression patterns of NHOK cells vs. immortalized keratinocyte by HPV16 E6-E7(IHOK). Examination of gene expression that is 85 clones cDNAs exhibits greater than 2 fold overexpression in NHOK probes relative to IHOK probe, 147 cDNAs reveal greater 2 fold overexpression in IHOK relative to NHOK probe.The high similarity in gene expression (96.5%) between IHOK and NHOK cells suggests that only an additional 232/6720 (3.5%) of the genome is differentially gene activated during HPV16 immoratlized keratinocyte growth and differentiation. Examination of gene expression that differs between NHOK and IHOK cellsapprear to be related to : cell adhesion & recognition, cell cycle regulator, apoptosis, transciption factors, growth factors and therir receptors, cytoskeletal and extracellular matrix proteins, signal transduction modulators and effectors, and miscellaneous. The gene expression of cell recognition factor such as endothelin 1, collagen IV, fibronectin, and SPR1 in IHOK were upregulated. Distinct or duplicated cDNA clones representing the same gene were typically clustered in adjacent rows in the clustered gene map. Therefore the differentially expressed and identified genes should be informative in studying oral epithelial cell carcinogenesis and such studies should foster the research of molecular markers allowing to assess the phenotypeof malignant epithelial tumor.

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Microarray에 의한 정상과 불멸화 구강 각화세포의 유전자 발현비교
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