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천일염 토양의 메타게놈으로부터 비타민 B1 리보스위치 발굴 및 기능 분석

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8페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국국제농업개발학회 수록지정보 : 한국국제농업개발학회지 / 29권 / 1호
저자명 : 이창묵, 이영석, 김수연, 심준수, 윤상홍, 스부라마니안파르티반, 김동헌, 한범수

영어 초록

Riboswitches are structured RNA motifs that can directly bind specific metabolites. The binding of metabolites further regulates downstream metabolism eliminating the need for any regulatory proteins. We searched for novel bacterial vitamin B1 binding riboswitches in the metagenome of sun-dried saline soil. Soil microbial metagenomes were studied using NGS analysis. A total of approximately 50 Gb of the sequence data was obtained by Hi-seq and 454 GS FLX sequencing, and these sequences were subjected to riboswitch search. Hi-seq generated 614 contigs showing similarity to riboswitches, while 454-based sequencing generated 383 similar contigs. We matched whole metagenome contigs to local BLAST databases constructed using 91 previously known bacterial vitamin B1 thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP)-box motifs, and 11 SAM S-box motifs. Repetitive BLAST comparisons to local BLAST databases with nucleotide sequences from NGS identified 14 novel TPP-box motifs, and 7 S-box motifs respectively from the metagenome contigs. Further, RNA secondary structure analysis with public databases Rfam, and RibEx using these 21 riboswitch candidates revealed one contig, D8PYI to possess the most probable TPP-box structure. We constructed intragenic synthetic riboswitches to investigate whether the TPP-box motif region in D8PYI could harness gene expression in the presence of TPP. Construction of biosensors containing 100400 bp fragments of D8PYI contigs, and in vivo imaging using the biosensors displayed TPP-specific changes in the expression of a green fluorescence protein reporter. In this regard, the adaptation of in silico riboswitch screening from environmental metagenomes could provide biosensors for detection of specific metabolites.

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천일염 토양의 메타게놈으로부터 비타민 B1 리보스위치 발굴 및 기능 분석
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