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뒤통수밑근 이완기법과 병행된 고주파 심부투열이 만성 긴장성 두통 환자들의 압통과 목 가동성 및 기능장애에 미치는 영향

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최종 저작일
11페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 4,200원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국전문물리치료학회 수록지정보 : 한국전문물리치료학회지 / 24권 / 2호
저자명 : 이형렬, 심재훈, 오덕원

영어 초록

Background:Active trigger points (TrPs) of the suboccipital muscles greatly contribute to the occurrence of chronic tension-type headache, with increased sensitivity of TrPs and facilitated referred pain.Objects:This study aimed to investigate whether the integration of high-frequency diathermy into suboccipital release is more beneficial than the use of suboccipital release alone.Methods:Thirty subjects were assigned to either experimental group-1 (EG-1) to undergo suboccipital release combined with high-frequency diathermy (frequency: 0.3 MHz, and electrode type: resistive electronic transfer), or EG-2 to undergo suboccipital release alone, or the control group (CG) with no intervention, with 10 subjects in each group. The assessment tools included the headache impact test 6 (HIT-6), perceived level of tenderness, neck disability index, and neck mobility. Intervention was performed for 10 minutes, twice per week, for 4 weeks, and measurements were performed before and after the interventions.Results:The between-group comparison of the post-test values and changes between pretest and post-test showed significant differences for all parameters at p.05, except for the left-to-right lateral bending range. In the post hoc test, EG-1 showed significant differences for the parameters in comparison with the CG, while no significant differences in the perceived tenderness level, on both temporal regions, were found between EG-2 and CG. Furthermore, the HIT-6 score and perceived tenderness level, in the right temporal region, showed significant differences between EG-1 and EG-2. In the within-group comparison, EG-1 and EG-2 appeared to be significantly different between pretest and post-test (p.05), except for the perceived tenderness level in the right temporal region, with significance for the EG-1 group only (p.05).Conclusion:These findings suggest that the suboccipital release technique may be advantageous to improve headache, tenderness, and neck function and mobility, with more favorable effects with the incorporation of high-frequency diathermy.

참고 자료



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