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A Proposal for the Improvement Method of Order Production System in the Display Industry

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최종 저작일
11페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 4,200원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국산업경영시스템학회 수록지정보 : 산업경영시스템학회지 / 39권 / 4호
저자명 : 조명호, 조진형

영어 초록

MTO (Make to Order) is a manufacturing process in which manufacturing starts only after a customers order is received. Manufacturing after receiving customers orders means to start a pull-type supply chain operation because manufacturing is performed when demand is confirmed, i.e. being pulled by demand (The opposite business model is to manufacture products for stock MTS (Make to Stock), which is push-type production). There are also BTO (Build to Order) and ATO (Assemble To Order) in which assembly starts according to demand. Lean manufacturing by MTO is very efficient system. Nevertheless, the process industry, generally, which has a high fixed cost burden due to large-scale investment is suitable for mass production of small pieces or mass customization defined recently. The process industry produces large quantities at one time because of the lack of manufacturing flexibility due to long time for model change or job change, and high loss during line-down (shutdown). As a result, it has a lot of inventory and costs are increased. In order to reduce the cost due to the characteristics of the process industry, which has a high fixed cost per hour, it operates a stock production system in which it is made and sold regardless of the order of the customer. Therefore, in a business environment where the external environment changes greatly, the inventory is not sold and it becomes obsolete. As a result, the companys costs increase, profits fall, and it make more difficult to survive in the competition.Based on the customers order, we have built a new method for order system to meet the characteristics of the process industry by producing it as a high-profitable model. The design elements are designed by deriving the functions to satisfy the Y by collecting the internal and external VOC (voice of customer), and the design elements are verified through the conversion function. And the Y is satisfied through the pilot test verified and supplemented. By operating this make to order system, we have reduced bad inventories, lowered costs, and improved lead time in terms of delivery competitiveness. Make to order system in the process industry is effective for the display glass industry, for example, B and C groups which are non-flagship models, have confirmed that the line is down when there is no order, and A group which is flagship model, have confirmed stock production when there is no order.

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A Proposal for the Improvement Method of Order Production System in the Display Industry
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